Saturday, March 12, 2011

What I Wish Right Now

So, its the weekend and I can't get my mind to focus enough to come up with any kind of useful or productive post, so if your expecting something profound, try again later. But I've been the past I've done a few posts listing things that make me happy. This is kind of a list of things that would make me happy.

I wish my mouth was back to normal. I'm sick of being achy, stiff, and numb. I wish I was allowed to chew, so I could go get a hamburger instead of being stuck with yogurt and applesauce. That sounds really good right now.
I wish Mr. Rochester was real. He is the original Edward.
I wish I could be in a movie with Meryl Streep. Except I think I would faint, so that might not work out so well.
I wish I could find easy solutions to the plot problems I'm having with my novel right now.
I wish my novel was finished, published, and selling millions of copies. But who doesn't, right?
I wish my pre-ordered copy of The Tigers Wife by Tea Obreht was here so I could see how good she really is.
I wish I had already moved out of Utah and found a job. (Thats a whole future asking-for-help-post waiting to happen).
I wish I had a dog. Specifically a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Though I do love our cat.
I wish I was best friends with J.K. Rowling. But again, who doesn't?

Anyway, I guess thats it for now. I'll stop being whiny and self-indulgent. I hope the writing is going superly :)

Sarah Allen

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