Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's the Bloghound Reading? Yes - it's my ARCs!!!!!

It's hard to decide which is prettier, isn't it?  The bloghound or her book? I love them both!

YAY! my ARCs came today!!!!! For those not familiar with the acronym, ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copy.  The ARC is a paperback version of my book which is sent out to reviewers about six months before my release date. It is considered an uncorrected proof, so slight changes to the manuscript may occur prior to the actual printing of the hardcover, but in essence, it's a sneak peek of THE FAERIE RING.  Want to see more? ;-)
Here's the back:
Ohmygosh! I just about had a heart attack when I saw my picture on the back of the ARC!!! Needless to say - I had NO idea they were going to do that!!!! Thank goodness for Photoshop and removing wrinkles!!!!

And check this out:  They included all the blurbs from the fabulous people who read my advanced bound manuscript and offered comments: (THANK YOU!)
WAIT! there's more: (THANK YOU too!!)
and one final shot (because it's pretty! and I'm excited! :-)
Once again I'd like to thank my fabulous editor, Susan Chang, of Tor Teen, for being such a class act and making this journey to publication truly a dream come true. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for more.

Also, it's my father's 83rd birthday today and my daughter's 15th birthday is Sunday (Happy Birthday Dad and Carly!) so we are celebrating all sorts of things at my house today!

Thanks for sharing the journey with me!!


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