Monday, March 14, 2011

Simply, Another List

What I have done, is decided to continue the list that my friend is also doing, but of course applying my answers to each question, plus, I've decided to throw some other random stuff in here too. I hope you enjoy. :-)

To continue where I left off in my previous post 'Simply, A List,' which I transfered to this blog so this sequel to it would make sense to people (LoL), I had left off on favourite male Character. Which leads me to:

16. Favourite Female Character

Now I know this may seem a bit kiddish, but if i'm not embarrassed to admit that Tommy Pickles is my all time favourite male character, than I shouldn't be afraid to reveal that my favourite female character is Samantha Puckett from iCarly, portrayed by Jenette McCurdy. Her character has such spunk that surpasses even my original favourite: Dorothy Zbornac. I always loved Dorothy's sarcasm and quick witt and that's why I consider her an honorable mention. As far as all time favourite right now though, Sam. Sam doesn't put up with crap and has a certain disregard for the rules. She eats so much that i'm amazed she remains thin. The only thing I don't like about iCarly is that they incorporate meat into their shows, but despite my vegetarianism, I don't have to force my beliefs onto others. So i'm not gonna write Nickelodeon a dirty letter telling them all the bad things in meat and how it causes high cholesterol if you eat it too much (LoL). I'll keep it to myself instead ... except for the brief mention here (haha).

Now, I realize that this isn't the right place for it, but I had some honorable mentions, which I got this idea from a friend; so i'm being naughty and stealing her idea briefly, but then again...she recently gave me permission to somewhat copy her (:p).

"Honorable Mentions"
Female Characters:
A) Sonam Kapoor "Sakina."
Now after the barrage of "WHO???", she was simply too cute in one of my new favourite movies titled "Saawariya." A movie, which I believe takes place in India, about a guy who is very nice and always smiles; lends a helping hand whenever etc; becomes infatuated with a girl by the name of Sakina. The guy's name is Raj (Short for Ranbir Raj. The dilemma is that Sakina is in love with a guy who goes off for years at a time, but Raj hopes that she can see that he's there, he's not going away and that she'll choose him. It's a sad ending and a happy ending at the same time, which was also undeniably interesting.

B) Dorothy Zbornac (Bea Arthur).
As much as I was shocked when I bought the first season of Maude and came across an episode in which she has an abortion, I always respected Bea. I can see why they only released the first season of Maude though; most of the show consisted of arguing about politics. :-/. Partially though, Dorothy was a mirror of Maude. Once you take away the politics; Maude & Dorothy yelled exactly the same, they both had quick wit and I could go on, but I eventually sold my copy of Maude because I didn't want it after I watched the whole season. I gave it a shot because I always respected Bea, but I wasn't much for that show. I think Dorothy shall always be one of her biggest accomplishments. She also portrayed a lush, drunkard in Mame. Co-Starring Lucille Ball. I enjoyed her in that character as well, though her role was somewhat small.
As i've said while comparing Bea Arthur's two most popular characters' as well as in Jenette McCurdy's mention: Dorothy had spunk and quick wit and such sarcasm that to this day, probably helped create parts of my personality. I used to watch "The Golden Girls," so much that I noticed myself looking up to them. Which, I never felt bad about because as I look back; most kids wanted foul mouthed comedians and dirty movies. Whereas, in my youth, a homosexual youth (haha!), I looked up to that show and always believed in the morals. Sometimes it didn't really have a good one in each episode, but as I grew older, I realized the implication of what the right thing to do in a situation was.

Male Characters
C) Harry Potter.
I have already said it, but I remember my grade school teacher reading us the first book and I thought, "It's not gonna get popular." I eventually ate those words! (LoL)!. Everyone knows of HP, so no commentary is really necessary. The most I can say is that the storyline of the Harry Potter series is so logical, despite it's fiction.

D) Arthur Bach (Dudley Moore)
This is from a movie from 1981, and the sequel was from 1987. Arthur & Arthur 2: On The Rocks. Arthur is a rich drunk who got his billions from family. He meets a nice girl that he eventually falls for, but she's not rich. She's poor and they meet because she steals a tie. His family wants him to marry Suzanne Johnson, a blond ditz that is so infatuated with a childhood dream of finding her prince, she's too blind to see that Arthur wants nothing to do with her. His family is so insistant on the marriage, that they threaten to cut him off from the family fortune unless he marry's her. He's a severe drunk as I said, but if you check out the movie, you'll hear the laughter Dudley Moore gave the character and just fall in love.

Warning: I just found out they are doing a remake this year. They better not muck it up! (:p)

17. Favourite Mini Series.
Honestly, i've never watched a mini series, but the closest thing would be "The 10th Kingdom," I have never finished the series, but I fell in love with the story line when I saw the first night's episode of it. I missed the second, then saw the third, but it made no sense. Close enough! (:P)

18. Favourite Title Sequence.
Okay, start your laughing because let me start by saying that I don't watch a lot of soap opera's or night time telly. My choices for favourite title sequence, well I can't just choose one, are not all able to be categorized into all one genre. Maybe some in the same, but not all.

A) "Murder, She Wrote."
I found the clip to the original intro, but the embed has been disabled by request. I'll post a link if you would like to see it.
Being only 22 years old, I get weird looks when I tell people that 'Murder, She Wrote,' is one of my all time favourite shows. One person asked if I had a thing for older ladies. To which I said, ":O What? Of course not! I grew up with my grandmother." Which, I did. She showed me so many shows, this being one of 'em. Simply put, it's a murder mystery show where she writes murder mysteries (Hence the title), but eventually starts to solve crimes in real life.

B) "Wizards of Waverly Place."
Go ahead, say it. First I tell you i'm interested in a show with older characters, then turn around and mention a Disney channel show. In my defense I have no defense. If I can be bluntly honest, I just started watching this show this morning on Netflix. The first 4 seasons are on Netflix for me free to watch, well, that is, if I keep paying the monthly fee. I am already hooked. I never watched it when I first heard of it because I thought it was a carbon copy of Harry Potter. It's not, there's not as much magic in the show as I thought there'd be. I can't really give you a good description of the show other than Selena Gomez's character (Alex Russo) along with her family, tell the story of a family that does possess magical powers, but ironically, Alex and her 2 brothers can't use them because they are still in school and live under their parents roof. Alex uses her powers anyway and tends to always get caught. The older brother always likes to either "tell on her," or make a bet with her. The younger one is a typical little boy that is following in his sister's footsteps. I thought the intro was cute.

C) "The Golden Girls."
If you read my first list, this is basically my all time favourite show. The show is about 3 older women and one of them brings their mother to live with them. They get into trouble, talk about sex, have sex with their boyfriends (not on camera, phew! it's implied though) and eat cheesecake. And this is like a yo-yo. Older cast, younger cast, now back to older cast. (:p)

D) "Charmed"
Admittedly, I haven't seen this show as much as I would love to. I used to watch this occaisionally with a friend of mine and that's how I came across it. It's about 3 witches who eventually figure out that they are witches and have to destroy demons, correct changes made in time so things continue to flow normally and they also must keep their powers a secret.

E) "The Nanny."
I always thought this intro was really cute. The Nanny starring Fran Drescher as Fran Fine the make-up girl becomes the nanny. Unconventionally. She manages to win the favor of Maxwell Sheffeild, and gets the job of helping him raise his 3 children.

There's probably more, but i'll leave it here now, but i'll end with a twist.

Dishonorable Mention
AKA The Worst Intro EVER!!! (LoL)

F) "Tales From The Darkside"
This show is cute and has a mysterious side to it, but the intro is totally juvenile in my opinion.

19. Best TV Show Cast

Hmm...this is truly a toughy. I have a lot of favourite shows, but at times, I felt the characters could have done better, or that it left much to be desired. I think, off the top of my head, the best cast I know of ceases to exist because Grissom left, others were written off and now the show just doesn't seem the same anymore, but then again, I haven't given it much of a try with the new guy.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

20. Favourite Kiss.
I have been wanting to answer this one for awhile. WITHOUT HESITATION: I give you the only scene that caused me to cry as a child. It was so beautiful to me that I feel so lucky that this specific scene is found on youtube. It's from the Golden Girls. Dorothy was originally supposed to go out on this blind date, but she got tickets to Beatle Mania and wanted to go because it was her last chance to see at least a simulation. When the beatles were still together, Dorothy couldn't go because one of her kids got sick, so Blanche agrees to go, after some bribery that Dorothy'll introduce her to some military men that have been at sea for more than six months (LoL!). Blanche really catches a REAL MAN! The embed has been disabled by request, so please follow the link and watch it (:-) )

21. Favourite Ship
When I first saw this, I was thinking "Ship? What? Like Titanic?", but through a friend, I read that it means 'relationship.' Without question, I must mention 'Arthur' again. Dudley Moore & Liza Minnelli portray "Arthur Bach & Linda Marolla." Since I have already described the storyline, I just shall say that I love this 'ship,' because this movie truly molded my vision of love since childhood. You have to watch the movie to find out the whole ending, but this movie truly showed me what love really is. WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!! (LoL).

22. Favourite Series Finale
Without a doubt. The series finale of the Golden Girls. Now you don't have to watch it but if you want to, here is the one hour finale. Watching it shouldn't destroy the whole series for you, just an FYI. I still watch it even though I know how it ends.
Part one:
Part two:
Part Three:
Part four:
Part five:

23. Most Annoying Character
Oh you would think this would be SO easy, but it's not! I think I have one. I thought about this long and hard and there was one character that was slightly annoying. I'll probably make an honorable mention if I can think of another one, but this is the best I got so far. His name is never really announced, but he comes in with this mafia voice goin on, but he's a kid. Which makes this even more bad for me to say he's the most annoying character that I can think of. On Witches of Wavery Place, Alex's brother gets a tutoring gig, but the kid says he's the biggest tutor around and hates competition. So, without legal reason, he just strolls in and demands a cut of the money he's getting for being a tutor. Then, annoys Alex's brother at other points of the show. Best part is when he gets chased off! LoL.

24. Best Quote:
Oh no. Why'd I choose now to switch parties (politically)? Damn conscience, but i'm still glad I did. Originally, my favourite quote was from "My Fellow Americans" when the Republican says, "Oh aha! As usual, the republican comes up with the plan while the democrat wanders aimlessly in the woods." as my opinions have changed, I can't use that one anymore. :-/

This one comes from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

Here's a Gem from the Golden Girls!

From Barbra Streisand, "Manure, pardon the expression, doesn't do anything unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow." - From "Hello, Dolly"

25. A Show You Plan On Watching, Old Or New.
Since i've already said that i'm working on watching 'Wizards of Waverly Place,' I shant include that in this section. There are two shows I have in mind right now though.

"Last Exile" An anime show about two guys that deliver mail by plane, but get caught up in a war.


26. OMG WTF? Season Finale
Hmm.....Probably the third season of the Golden Girls season finale. It was called 'Empty Nest,' (The episode) and a wife was feeling lonely because her husband was always working and her children were all moved out of the house. It was originally to be the pilot episode for a show, but by the time they debuted the show 'Empty Nest,' they re-set it around a doctor that had appeared on the Golden Girls several times, the original plot from the season finale was scrapped and the show surrounded the doctor and the two twin girls. One was a bit neurotic, the other was smart and couldn't understand why her twin was neurotic. Till 'Empty Nest' debuted, the twins weren't related to the doctor. Strange......first image is the only one i can find from season 3 finale. The second is what they turned the show into.

27. Best Pilot Episode
Surprisingly, i'm not going to say 'The Golden Girls.' I'd have to say the 'Charmed' debut.

I hope you have enjoyed this second list. :-)

Peace <3 Hugs - Andrew

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