Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seventeen Magazine March 2011

I went to the store earlier this morning because I needed to pick up a couple things. I skimmed through the movies that the grocery store had in stock and wasn't too impressed. I suppressed an urge to buy a movie I didn't really need. I had never seen it anyway. I think it's good to suppress an urge if it involves spending money. The last thing one needs is to go broke because of overindulgence. I had yet to go get the cereal we were out of when I strolled down the book and magazine aisle. The common magazines that they put on display are Ebony, Make-up & Fashion, Teeny Bop, Wrestling, Vehicles, Architecture and probably so much more.

I came across Seventeen magazine and I spotted one of my favourite singers on the cover. At the reasonable price of $2.99, I knew it wouldn't break the bank. I picked up a copy and continued my shopping. After coming home, I flipped through its pages and marveled at the gorgeous gowns displayed on some of the pages. Cringed at some ensembles, i'm afraid, because they were so ghastly, I shudder to think who in their right mind would ever wear them. By now, any and all implications that I am a straight male have gone down in flames. For the first time, it honestly doesn't bother me. One of my secret desires, not so secret anymore though: Is fashion.

On the cover, as I said, is Miranda Cosgrove. She is such a lovely girl. Her music is refreshing in an age where most of the top 40 are laced with vulgarities that would make Joan Rivers blush! I tend to look for a more lofty form of art. Architecture, Museums that showcase paintings and interesting sculptures, and of course, fashion. My inner personality is something that I hold dear to my heart, but at the same time, it's been hidden. I don't really want to get into religion, but my new found faith has taught me not only that is true beauty on the inside, but that the true beauty has to be brought out! Surprisingly, it's not an egotistical act to want to bring ones inner beauty out.

For years, I have rebelled against societies standards that women have to be defy the laws of health and weigh the ounces equivalent to a clothes pin. Society has so many other standards that I don't really consider "Standards." For use of a better word, I would say that Society strives for perfection, but in my opinion does it wrong. Boys have to like girls. Girls have to like boys. Men must suppress any and all urges that are not masculine, but women, in some instances, are allowed to be masculine. The term double standard comes to mind. The inequalities in life itself truly sadden me.

For years, whenever I let slip a comment about a girls dress, I had to quickly claim that I made a comment because it accentuated her bosom. Even to this day, despite the fact that I am out of the closet, I have still yet to completely be myself. As much I detest pointing fingers, society's 'Standards,' are to blame. I feel such an urge to break free of these chains. I see now that it truly is a journey when you start being yourself. It doesn't happen over night. You must first develop the ability to not care what people think, and to avoid getting any more profound because words are only words; I cancel my suppression for love of fashion, and indulge myself in discussing a couple ensembles I found in this months edition of Seventeen Magazine.

I must first apologize for the blurriness of these photos. They were taken with my phone because at this very moment of my self explosion, as i'll call it; it is 4:50 in the morning and I didn't want to wake anyone up by scanning the pictures with the printer or taking a picture of it with a camera. The camera on my phone gives off no sound. No copyright infringement is intended; I merely wish to give my opinion on these following items.

This necklace is so absolutely modern and can go with almost anything. Niaema Adaepo, a current contestant on American idol, would look great in with this necklace added to whatever she's wearing. Her gypsy look comes at a time when most people are wearing clothes that are completely normal, which gets stale after awhile. Another thing society tends to deem is that we must be normal and look normal. The scary thing is that the definition of 'normal' is what society deems as the norm. Out of all the people I have ever met, I can honestly say i've only met a couple people who could be categorized as normal. Frankly, it was horrifying. Go into a high school and the first thing you'll notice about the fashion throughout the school, whether good or horrible, every single student strives to be themselves. To stand out and wear clothes that they like. Admittedly, there were students in my high school that just threw whatever they could on and went out the door, but most of the students in my high school had a unique style totally their own. Even though, most looks are influenced by celebrities and models that are cute; therefore people want to look like them.

Originality adds such a refreshing taste to anything, which is why Niaema Adaepo's gypsy-like style truly sits right with me. I approve because it's so unique in an age when people are striving to look like everyone else. It's truly remarkable and inspirational that she has her own style and stands out. If I saw her wearing this necklace on tomorrow's episode, I wouldn't be a bit surprised because it would fit her look just right.
This was designed by M. Haskell. I'm not sure if I can legally supply the number in a post, so my apologies.

I don't really have anything positive to say about this necklace other than it would look great on a headboard, if you manage to slew it in the middle of it. I'd say a black headboard from Ikea. That store has some great furniture! I do like the use of color in this, but I just wish it wouldn't be so bulky. It just doesn't go with the outfit she's wearing either. For some reason, i'm picturing that a thinner version of this would also look great on Niaema Adaepo. Despite the blurriness of the photo and the necklace, the collaboration of the black and white shirt goes alright with the pink shirt with circles that seem to be a couple tints lighter than the rest of it. Personally, I would have chosen maybe a strawberry red for the stripes in the white shirt instead of black. Maybe then the necklace would fit with this look, but for me, it's just not working.

This is a simple look that seems to mimic the style of Victoria Beckham. I'll supply a link to her facebook page in case anyone is interested in checking out some of the dresses they showcase on her like page. Despite the possible copy-cat style, it's a very simple look. I'm personally glad you can't see the shoes, because they are totally ugly. They look a mixture of very old ice skates from the 40s and bowling shoes. The purse doesn't work for me, only because it may be leather. I am not sure, the info below her only says 'Make Me Chic.' I do like the choice of sunglasses and the necklace, though the green tint (that i'm not sure if you can see or not) gives a Christmasy type feel to the outfit. Dress: Aurora Town. Sunglasses: Forever 21, a great store! It's one of my personal favourites.

Victoria Beckhams' dVb Facebook Page:

There's not much you can't see in this one. The dress is positively simple with a design that looks like a mix of flowers and old newspaper clippings. It's a cute design and I realize that the market out there is better if you use younger models, but this design looks like it belongs on a couch from possible the 60s or 70s. I purposely left out the shoes because they don't go with anything. Simple yellow high heels. If Blanche Devereoux were here, she'd be as appalled as I am! Her shoes don't match her purse! The purse is very lovely though, I must say. The rose petal design is so intoxicating and makes me wish I could find a bedspread with the same design. I'm not sure my boyfriend would go for it, but to me, I love the purse. I don't purse-onally use a purse (okay, very bad joke!), but if I did, i'd run out and buy this. I'm assuming out of the list here, it's called a clutch, because the only other options are dress, belt and shoes. She should take off the shoes and get shoes the same color of the purse/clutch because yellow doesn't go with this look at all! Dress: Yumi London. Belt: Urbanog.

I would like to know what the person that designed this dress was thinking. I feel like she fell in love with a couch, took the fabric off and just felt like wearing it! The fanny back is so 1980s/early 1990s and is such a fashion no-no aka fashion faux pas! Now, if this design were on one of those over-sized totes, I would be in love! But I feel like it's a total mess! Please get me on project runway so I can stop a tragedy like this from happening again! And, i'm sorry, but what's with Frank Sinatra's hat? I think he wants it back! On the bright side, she is a very lovely girl, but her shoes are also hideous. Again, why I purposely didn't showcase them. Hat: I may go see how much the hat is because the hat by itself is cute.

Again, I would like to apologize for the blurriness of the photo, and I can assure, that is not a fold line on the other girls chest, they are holding strings to the balloons. There should be no question on my sexuality by now (LoL)! The dress on the right is not the one I wish to discuss. It's the one on the left. Surprisingly, I love this dress. It appears that the Aura Borealis felt like becoming a dress. I must truly congratulate the designer of this dress. Along with the colors of the sky I mentioned, it has a modern feel to it with a mix of some of the designs I have seen from the 1980s. Very fetching and gorgeous! Dress: charmeuse cutout dress with sequin trim.

Hmm...It's blurry, again, but the wording states that Miley (Cyrus) would totally wear this. Sure, if she wants to fly away like a bat into the night! This is the perfect example of when a designer should look in the mirror and say, "Forgive me fashion for I have sinned!" I have never liked the idea of straps of fabric just dangling from an article of clothing warn on the upper half of the body. Those jackets with the same dangling straps on those cowboy jackets would be far too tedious for me to live with. I'd be constantly paranoid that I was going to dip some of them into my chip dip! Or caviar if you're rich, but keep those fish eggs away from me! I'm a vegetarian! :-/ This is available at Macy's but unless this is to add a creepy feel to a halloween costume, I shudder to think who would buy this.

Now, i'm not too content with how this picture looks. The glare covering up the third girls face takes attention away from the dress on the second girl, but honestly, i'm not sure how I feel about this. Did a peacock lose a bet with her? Oddly enough, I like this dress because it's kooky and it's different. Not normal, which is a good quality with fabric, as long as you know what you are doing! Dress: Masquerade, Charmeuse Print Halter Dress with sequins.

Personally, before I start, I feel like there should be some sort of a mini jacket for the top of this, which would make it a two piece. Other than that, I am sometimes a sucker for hot pink. It's not so much the color though, as it is the circular pattern on the lower half of this dress. This time I am not hiding any shoes because the picture cuts off before her knees. The snowflake on her abdomen seems out of place unless she's celebrating the first snowfall of the season, in which case she's hallucinating because it's nearly spring. Anyway, I must say, I love how her the shade on her lips matches the dress almost exactly! Dress:

I truly wish you could see more of this dress. At least see it more clearly. This is how you put flowers on a dress! I really got to hand it to Candie's (Only at Kohls), I am impressed. I can't really see the purse so I can't say much about that except that it may be leather. Other than that, I am totally in love with this look. Venessa Hudgens look absolutely stunning and if I were her gay boy, i'd probably say "Be still my flaming heart!" Her flower necklace, which I know has a tragic blurry haze, fits with the dress for the most part. She makes a great model! I am only sad to see that Britney has been replaced. Dress: Candie's (Only at Kohls).

Again with the blur, but the focal point of this picture, at least mine, you can see. I may just be silly, but look at those legs! I am somewhat jealous! Her legs are smoother than mine! I would kill to have legs that smooth! Road trip! Someone tell me what she's using! :D Also, is it just me, or does she look like Victoria Beckham in this picture?

Be still my flaming heart just turned into, quick! Gimme life support! I love Katy Perry as much as the next gay boy, but what the hell is this? I may need a Dramamine, or i'll vomit! I know i'm on a leather kick, but I support full animal rights, and this outfit is a total travesty! I sure hope that no animals were killed in the making of this ... tragedy! Sometimes trying to be sexy backfires badly! I am guessing she was supposed to be a colorful cat woman??

Phew! Saved by the flirty and fun style of! I have always been a sucker for either red and black or pink and black. There are cute hearts throughout this dress. They are more visible at the bottom of the dress, but this is so gorgeous! Matching the purple jewlery with this dress is perfection! The belt is purple as well, and I am in love! :p. Dress:

I admit, i'm beside myself on this one. For an African American female, this dress is perfect! One thing I have always admired about the African American's is their ability to wear green so well. Myself, as a white man, I have never known how to make green work with my skin tone. It's a tad blurry, but you get the basic idea of it, I think. There's a nature theme going on as each color takes the shape of leaves. Green and purple. Dress: David's Bridal.

Since this dress is called "Dark Romance," I show no remorse in saying that this could be a devastatingly beautiful dress warn by a villain. The forbidden charm accentuated by the dress. The increase of voluptuousness, complimented by the gorgeous necklace of the same color as the dress. The earrings peaking through volumized hair, making this villain irresistible! And the shoes! With the perfectly shaped rose atop ones toes as they slide into them! *Sighs* (LoL). The purse is alright. I'm not sure if I would go with silver though.

Of course, I had to include the cover girl, Miranda Cosgrove! I find this look simple and conservative, but attractive because of the V gap. The necklaces surprisingly fit well with the black belt. A smart choice for the photoshoot that is included with her interview. Which I have yet to read because i'm writing this blog! :p. Dress, Naven: Black necklace, Dannijo; silver Necklace, Lee Angei; Belt, Streets Ahead.

Deliver me, Lord! Please! She's wearing the garden outside! That or, i'm reminded of the Carol Burnett episode of her show where she decided to literally wear the drapes. These look like the short drapes you would put in a kitchen! The only thing missing is the pole it hangs from! The next one is no better...

*Screams* Well, actually, the pants aren't half bad, but it's still pretty bad at the same time. Flowers are not always a good design choice! On the bright side, she'd never be attacked in the wild because she'd blend in with nature...on the downside, animals defecate on nature LoL! I'm so bad, my apologies. I just really don't like this look! The hat makes it worse, but only because it's a cute accessory, but it doesn't fit with the rest of this look. The top looks like someone cut off part of the bed sheet when they went to the Bahama's and wanted just enough to cover their bra.. Maybe if the pants were a bedspread, it wouldn't be so bad? I don't know...

I give up, I truly give up! I have seen it all! The design on this dress doesn't even match the pink purse. Not to mention, I have a picture dating back to the 60s that my grandmother gave me where her dress matches the drapes in a doctors office! No joke! Why someone took a picture of family members in the waiting room of a doctors office, I can't say. I wasn't even thought of at that time. Aside from that, i'd like my salad back because it look like there's carrots all over this dress. I'm new at being a critic so I feel bad for being so brutally honest, but this isn't exactly something I would suggest buying. The bracelets are nice though. She's sooo thin too! :(.

I'm not sure why she looks a bit stoned here, but that's not how it looks in the magazine exactly. She does look like she was really tired though. I decided to share this as the last photo because I was thinking that this look could be safe to put on a guy. Light blue eye shadow and practically any kind of lip gloss that I already wear occasionally. It's actually kiss gloss, but it's practically the same thing. Your thoughts?

I hope you have enjoyed my commentary on select dresses and necklaces in this months edition of Seventeen Magazine. :-)

Peace & Love - Andrew.

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