Wednesday, March 16, 2011

American Idol Top 12

There was a very moving introduction for tonight. Steven, Jennifer and Randy announced that the profits from the purchases of the performances through itunes were going to the relief effort in Japan.

To no surprise, Ryan Seacreast is wearing a tie and tux tonight.

Randy is wearing this very unique jacket. If anyone can tell me where to get it, I would be very appreciative because it looks like there's no leather or suede in it. it seems to be blue and give the appearance of a jean jacket, but it has other fabrics in it that I can't idenitfy. EDIT: NVM! I saw a leather patch on the shoulder!

Steven is wearing this very psychedelic coat with sequins. His style is so unique that it makes it current. It has a rainbow theme on it and it truly brings the 70s into the 2010 era.

Jennifer is wearing what seemed to be an almost transparent fabric for her dress. It has a wild (as in animals) theme and i'm thinking Tiger? Her hair looks so bleeping amazing! Why do women have better hair and better looking legs? Anyway, I digress.

Tonight, the theme is songs from the year the contestants were born.

Naima is up first. In the introduction, they showed her family, which showed that her family dresses just like her. I found that interesting. "What's Love Got To Do With It?" By Tina Turner is the song she chose. The only negative thing I have to say about the introduction to Naima's performance is that she was wearing these huge black earrings that were pulling on her ear lobe. I've heard horror stories about earrings being too heavy for the lobes and the lobes ripped!

Her performance started and her hair is braided and put all pulled up to look like . She has simple black slacks, a yellow sleeveless shirt, a red vest and a silver, glittery vest that goes over everything else. There seems to be a belt-like design on her waist with some coins dangling from it. The belt-like look Mayan. her shoes are high heeled silver boots to match the second vest. This enseble seems too noisy for my tastes and sadly, her performance seemed pitchy in places and I wasn't too convinced.

Paul's intro showed him wearing a jacket that may be leather. As i've mentioned, incessantly, I do not like leather! LoL. To make matters worse, there was a cowhide in the show I was watching recently! LoL! Anyway, his undershirt seems to be a white shirt with a red design. Don't knwo what it is. His voice sounded horrible when they showed him in the recording studio so I hope it's better on stage. O lord deliver me...he's wearing a texas style tux with a flowery undershirt and one of those texan style ties that i've seen on Wizards Of Waverly Place.

He's singing "I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues." And i've never really heard the original, but ... I don't think singing is meant for him. Because he just sounds he would booed of the stage anywhere other than on the idol stage. He has such a cute smile though and that beard looks cute on him that it hurts me to say that! His hair is a bit wild though, but it fits. I just heard that he has a cold, so he may still be safe and people'll vote for him. Hopefully he does better next week...o those damn eyes! :p.

Thia's intro was really cute and her shirt was a simple navy blue, it appeared. ALl I could see. She chose to sing 'Venessa William's" Colors of the wind. I feel so old! I remember the year that came out vividly, but this is the year that Pia was born. It's offical, i'm getting old! LoL. Her singing is very charming and is refreshingly anything but karaoke. I think she is the first person to do a good job tonight. I wonder what it would be like to have an American Idol winner who is of Asian race. It would be cool because it would show that they are not biased to mostly white winners and some black winners :-/. I hope the competition isn't rigged, it would make everything we bloggers do completely pointless..well...i judge fashion so I guess i'd still be okay? :-/

James Durbin is wearing simple black pants with an amazing crotch! Oops, sorry, I'll stay on track here. The leather jacket has to go, but so does the rest of his clothes ... oops! I did it again! (:p). His black shoes are also leather with some diamonds on them. His shirt is a V neck grey shirt, his necklace has those balls on them which leads to handcuffs, his same cross earring is in his left ear, and he's singing "I'll Be There For You," by Bon Jovi. Never heard this song before. His started out kind of pitchy, but he seems to be doing very well! His stage presense isn't shy at all. I don't really understand on the scarf in his back pocket giving the appearance of a tale though. He also has a gold bracelet with circles on it.. his performance was mostly good, but the end line was pitchy as well.

He just announced that his shoes were leather. Thumbs down! LoL

Hailey's intro started, showcasing her beautiful hair. Her mother had this red hoodie on that looked like a leopard, but with black and red. Hailey is a beautiful girl, truly. I love her eyebrows and need to get a manicure and get my eyebrows done soon. I may be a guy but hell no am I gonna have a unibrow! LoL
"I'm Your Baby Tonight," by Whitney Houston is the song she chose. Her voice isn't doing it for me tonight and her wardrobe seems to be painfully simple with a red semi long sleeved shirt with black pants. I take back what I said abotu her voice, as her performance drew on, her voice got better, I guess it was just a pitchy beginning. Her shoes are black high heels.

Not sure but I think she may have seen Durbin's hot crotch and put lipstick on her chin :-/ ... oops! I said I wouldn't talk such ways ... Ryan eventually wiped the massacre of lipstick off her chin LoL!

Stefano was up next, i'm not much for his fashion. Especially when I saw his gangsta wanabe look goin on. He sang "If You Don't Know Me By Now." by The Blue Notes. He came out where a pinkish button up shirt that he didn't tuck in, giving a slightly sluggish look, in my opinion. The rest of his wardrobe was a tux and tennis shoes?????? eep!!! who came up with this? It's very 1990s... His singing is on key and sounds great. His cockiness seems to have gone away a bit.. let's see what he says after his performance. The last note was great!

Pia was up next. She chose "Where Do Broken Hearts Go?" by Whitney Houston. Sounding slightly karaoke, but her wardrobe seems appropriate for her song choice. It's all in white and it's one of those pant suits. A gorgeous necklace with a blue pendant, light blue. The chain is full of diamonds matching her circular earrings. Wow, down to the letter, her ring matches her necklace by having the same light blue in the focal point of the ring. Her shoes, are I think brown. High heels. It eventually stopped being karaoke towards the end.

Scotty is next. He's the other hottie in this competition with a wickedly smooth face and chisled chest and belly. I sure hope the jacket he was wearing wasn't leather...he's wearing this wicked brown coat. ... but it might be suede ... his undershirt is a texan style blue buttoned up shirt..not tucked in. Oops! Sorry. His pants blackish grey and tight.

Karen is up next. She's wearing this silver dress, sleeveless, has black stripes in parts and i'm not too fond of it. She is singing "Love Will Lead You Back." by Taylor Dane. Never heard of it. That I know of. They put her hair in a bun that looks like there's an opposum on her head. *sighs* Idol needs to hire me and i'll do the fashion. She has this huge circular diamond earrings that seem too big for her head. On the bright side her singing is great and I love how she incorporated Spanish lyrics again.

Kacey is up next. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Nirvana. Is this gonna be about a boys locker room? Hmm...idk never listened to Nirvana really ever. Kacey came up wearing what appears to be a jean jacket and an green undershirt. his pants being the same color as the jacket and he has a scarf like thing around his neck. Can't really tell the colors because there's too much yellow on the stage. Then after the performance, didn't really get a good look at the ensemble. Sorry. :-/

"I'm The Only One," By Melissa Etheridge was the song that Lauren chose. She's wearing a brown over coat with some glitter on it. it looks like suede....she has a cowgirlbelt on and tight black pants. Naturally, of course! (LoL) wearing leather cowgirl boots. She did very well. I remember this song after she sang it.

Jacob was the last performer of the night. "Alone," by Heart is his song choice. I never really was very crazy about the lead singer's voice and Celine's wasn't exactly a thrill for me either. He's wearing a black jacket with the color up it looks somewhat like a military jacket. A purple button-up undershirt.Pants that match the jacket and his shoes are also black, I believe. He's doing amazing, I can see why they put him at the end of the show, which is a tactic I her they get because they hear the performances before hand to put the singer list together. I'm not much for his jacket. I'd give that performance a B.

I hope you have enjoyed this installment of fashion commentary for American Idol Contestants.

Peace <3 Hugs - Andrew.

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