Wednesday, March 9, 2011

American Idol Top 13

Hello, blogging public.

Up till now, I had been posting my thoughts on American Idol on my twitter account, but I became uninterested in doing it that way because the 140 character limit, and the thought that I may be flooding my followers' inboxes with too many tweets. The most annoying part for me was that I wasn't grading the outfits that the contestants and the judges were wearing. I usually gave up because of the limit of characters you can tweet with. The one downside of Twitter. I wish that I would have started blogging it on here, but I didn't want to copy a friend of mine who also blogs about Idol, but I figure it's not exactly copying, because i'm also judging the wardrobes that they are wearing. At least I hope it doesn't seem like I am copying. I have decided to not include what the judges say about the performances.

The only thing I wish is that there was a way for me to have a still of what they are wearing, but i'm not sure if there is a way to do that for now and that's why most of these pictures are from the site and just of their faces.

Tonight, they are picking songs from their idols.

A part of me wishes that Ryan Seacrest would wear something other than a Tux. It's usually the same thing, so nothing you can really grade. The most he can really do is wear a different tie each night.

Tonight, i'm not sure if i am too fond of Steven Tyler's wardrobe. The shirt is a bit different with the look at the bottom where you tie it off. He's wearing three necklaces that don't overlap each other, which is nice. So many people wear necklaces that you can't even see because of no chemistry with the other jewelry. I don't exactly like the idea of wearing a lot of jewelery but it fits because you can see what they all are.

Jennifer Lopez looks stunning as per usual. A simple black dress that looks like one i've seen that Victoria Beckham designs. Her makeup is also very beautiful and her gold earings that I can't seem to get a close up of, look very nice with her ensemble. EDIT: I got a close up of her earings after Ashton's performance and they are little balls put together to make a big circle of balls, basically. Gold and look like Christmas ornaments, but still work! EDIT: After Paul McDonald's performance, I saw that her dress has a leopard-like design on it, but still black, but there's also some gray in it. I still think black should be left for events where there's a lot of light, because I have to keep coming back to her ensemble because it's such a dark color choice and the lighting in the auditorium doesn't do black wardrobes any justice. EDIT: I love how her lipstick matches her nail polish. You see so many celebrities that just love to put random colors all over their body and there's no coordination whatsoever.

Randy Jackson lost the leather jacket, so I am happy, but it kind of looks like he's wearing a mixture of an older gentlemen's sweater, but it's kind of got sequins on it with a sport like logo on it. That's probably not what it is, but it looks like that. Not too fond of it. His glasses look like they come for the 70s :-/.

The first person that came out was Lauren Alaina. She chose a Shania Twain song, so i'm hoping she doesn't murder it. Shania is one of my all time favourite country stars, because she's not only country. She always put a pop-rock twist onto it and she didn't add too much twang. The song is "Any Man of Time." She put a twang onto the song that Shania Twain. Lauren's outfit seems to be a light blue ensemble with a belt-like thing in the middle of her abdomen with black pants and shoes that may allow her feet to breathe. I'm not much for the top, but it all flows well together color wise. I think she did a good job and since she added a twang that Shania didn't, but i'm not exactly sure she brought something new to it. It didn't really seem karaoke but it just seemed like the twang was all she brought to it.

The second person that came out was Kacey Abrams. He sang Joe Cocker's "With A Little Help From My Friends." The lyrics that I felt were very fitting for Idol were the ones about singing out of key and would you walk out if I did sing out of key. That's not proper English. Kacey is wearing a simple jacket that looks like leather, and it is according to my partner. The shirt under the jacket is not visible, so I can't grade that, but with the pants that match the jacket, despite the downside of leather (for me), it goes together nicely as colors go. But i'm not too fond of it at the same time because it's dark black and you can't really see much of it. He did pretty good, which is a pleasant surprise, because he's not exactly one of my faves this season.

The third person that came out was Aston Jones. They showed Diana Ross because Ashton chose one of her songs, and Diana's dress was very fetching. Red with sequins and it was breathtaking. Is wearing a simple silver dress that you can actually see unlike Kacey's outfit. She had a shaky start, but it's turning out to be a good song choice for her. Much better than last week. Her control of her voice was breathtaking tonight. And I just saw that they put silver eyeliner to match her dress. Her outfit and performance was great for me. Her hair is very frow-like and curly, but it all has the same volume, so it works!

The fourth person that came out was Paul McDonald. He sang a Ryan Adams song "Come Pick Me Up." I feel so out of the loop because this is the first singer and song that I have never heard of, for tonight's lineup. I have not been a big fan of Paul's voice because it doesn't seem to have much of a melody, but that he can hit the notes. He does have a very nice smile though and his style seems a mixture of western and circus. His outfit tonight looks like a military outfit with a cowboy belt and pants. The top loops like a top that Blanche or Dorothy from the Golden Girls war from the the 80s, but with the military look I mentioned. It has red string-like design that goes along the arms and neck. The inside shirt is red, so it matches the string-like material. The other color in the top jacket is a navy blue and the pants match. Then he's wearing a tie of the said blue color. I didn't get a good look at the shoes. Not much for the outfit or the performance, it seemed a bit nasal-y. I want some of his family's french fries!

The fifth person that came out was Pia Toscano. She wore a simple one piece dress, gold with sequins. It's a bit on the dark side as far as tint goes, just not the dark side of the force, but you can still see it. I like how her dress only goes over her right shoulder but then under her left arm. It's not too much, but not too little. She is also wearing a bracelet that glitters like her dress and it's also gold. Her earings are like icicles and are beautiful. Mostly hid by her hair though, so I would have suggested putting her hair up in a bun or a pony tail so you could see them better. I just noticed that on the back of her dress is a tan tail like fabric. Unnecessary if you ask me. Tails are not for humans LoL! She chose a Celine Dion song. "All By Myself." It's not one of my favourite Celine Dion songs, but it's still a good song and Celine did great on it so I hope she doesn't murder it. Her control is impeccable and while she is singing, I notice her lip gloss is kind of like the kind I bought. She also has great teeth! HAHA! The last comment is that the tan fabric is more of a cape than a tail because it goes to her neck in the back. still don't like that part of it.

The sixth person that came out was James Durbin. He choice a Paul McCartney song, who used to be a member of the beetles; the song is 'Maybe I'm Amazed,' and it is said that he brought a unique new idea to it. I have never heard the original, so I can't vouch for that, but i'm sure my boyfriend'll tell me if it's similar or karaoke. He came out sounding great right away. No shakiness, so this is probably a great choice of song. He's wearing a white shirt with a vest on top that has the american flag on it. Again, dark tones, why don't hey just all wear black with no designs? :o. He's also wearing dark jeans, but I can't tell what color; there's a random dangling cross earing in his left ear, which I think would look better if he wore them in both ears. He has a silver ring on his left middle finger and a couple bracelets that were silver and one was brown. & Finally, there was a bandanna coming out of his back pocket. Much like Bruce Springsteen. The rendition was great and my boyfriend says it wasn't karaoke.

The seventh person that came out was Haley Reinhart. She chose "Blue" By Leann Rimes. A song I always thought was interesting and after its time, but that's what made it current because Rimes made it okay to like old country if you didn't already have a care-free attitude; so her song was an excuse to say well it sounds like Loretta Lynn's era of country music, i'll listen to that era now too. :p. It sounds a bit Karaoke for me, but there's still a unique flare. AND O GAH! SHE'S WEARING A SIMPLE DRESS THAT IS EITHER A BLUEISH BLACK OR A NAVY BLUE. It's so dark, you can't really see it. Aside from her teeth being whiter than mine and i'm so jealous!; I wasn't too happy with this performance, but she is still such a lovely and beautiful girl. It does take a good singer to be able to go from normal singing to falsetto back and forth that fast, like Leann did!

The eighth person that came out was Jacob Lusk. He chose an R Kelly song. "I Believe I Can Fly." I had forgotten that was his song. I guess I forgot because of my absolutely new musical library :-/. It's been so long since i've listened to songs like that, I guess it got annoying when they kept playing it over and over and over again. Kind of like Jar of Hearts by that Christina girl...hmm...Anyway, Jacob is wearing a simple grey tux, a black dress shirt and a striped red tie that stands out but not that bad. Not that good though. He has silver earings that are a different shade than his tux. I'm not exactly much for Lusk, but only because I have never been much for Gospel music, and he sounds like if he wins this competition, he'll be somewhat Gospel. His vocal abilities are amazing, despite that though. It was a nice touch to bring out a choir with blue robes, but I wouldn't have brought them out. At the same time though, i'm sure it gave the members of the choir a job for tonight, so in that respect, it's a good thing! I know that if someone knew comes across this blog, they'll ask, "What's wrong with Gospel?" well nothing, it's just not my favourite genre. :-)

The ninth person that came out was Thia Megia. She sang Charlie Chaplin's song Smile. Michael Jackson's favourite song.Her voice is so beautiful and her shade of lipstick is simple, yet fitting. A random mixture for a sentence, but still. She is wearing black circular earrings with glitter. A dress that is strapless, with white and grey; the white fades into grey at the top and then at the bottom fades back into white. Her shoes are black. She did very nice. It didn't seem like a mimicky performance.

The tenth person that came out was Stefano Langone. This is the one contestant that seems a bit arrogant. I'm not saying that he isn't a nice guy, but his arrogance is a bit overbearing sometimes. Sometimes. He chose a Stevie Wonder song. "Many Of Many Wishes" (?) He's wearing a leather vest that has grey cotton-like sleeves with a blue dress shirt underneath and a silver lace-like tie. Not too fond of the vest or the tie and the blue dress shirt isn't tucked in gives this a lazy look. Surprisingly he is doing great! Good control of his voice and despite his arrogance in the past, I still think he is a bit cute, beautiful eyes. I have not listened to many Stevie Wonder songs, but at the same time I wasn't feeling this performance. I have heard Stevie's voice before though, and his voice is amazing. I wonder how he felt about this performance if he was listening in. In case you didn't know, Stevie is a blind man.

The eleventh person that came out was Karen Rodriguez. She chose a song by Selena. I apologize, I do not speak (I think its) Spanish, so I have no idea what the name of this song is. All I know is that Jennifer Lopez portrayed Selena earlier in her career, but it'll be nice to hear more Spanish from Karen. I loved her Hero rendition with bilingual lyrics. Oo! She started out a bit pitchy but she took my advice even though I didn't give it to her. She is wearing earrings that you can actually see because her hair is in a pony tail of sorts. Her outfit is black and sequined. This actually works because the sequins are visible for the most part. The top looks like a cancer awareness ribbon, which I like. it goes around her neck and hugs her abdomen. Her earings are 2 circles with icicle-like diamonds dangling in 2 or 3 strands. she has two bracelets that match it too. All jewelry matches and are silver and sparkly. Not sure if they are diamonds though. The shoes are black as well, but surprisingly, I like this ensemble, but the song seemed a bit off for her.

The Twelfth person up was Scotty McCreery. Aside from him looking like an older version of the Mad TV kid, he is so cute, hot, sexy but I personally think he sounds a lot like Josh Turner. It hasn't hurt his chances yet, so that's good! He chose "The River," by Garth Brooks. So it's obvious by now that if he wins, he'll be the second Josh Turner. I mean the next Country star :p. I do notice some differences between McCreery and Turner though. He starts out pitchy and he seems to be all over the place and the music is too loud for his voice if he's gonna sing that low. Until he got closer to the end, I couldn't hear his voice above the music. He really needs to try to use more diaphragm, in my opinion. But he's still cute in a unique way so I guess I'll let him get away with it. Just kidding, I must keep attraction outta this and stand by my criticism that he needs to use more of his diaphragm. He's wearing, I almost forgot to grade it!; I think brown shoes that are okay, but not great; a grey dress shirt that has an un-ironed look, that i'm not exactly too fond of either. His pants are dark blue or black. Maybe my eyes are bad? Or the lighting just doesn't work with dark shades of color. and he is wearing a cross necklace. The shoes might be black. If he wins, he might be in the next proactiv commercial because his face is so clear!

The thirteenth person up was Naema Adaepo. Her style ALWAYS reminds me of a gypsy and I LOVE IT!!!! it took me until the end of her performance to remember the word, but suddenly Cher's song "Gypsies, Tramps and Theieves went into my head and I remembered. I love her Gypsy look! She chose another Rihanna song. "Umbrella." But is very pitchy! Her face looks like Tyra Banks' right now. She is wearing several necklaces that are so unique idk what they are right now. Her hair is up in a unique pony tail and is braided-looking. Her outfit has jean pants with unique glitter design on her pants . and has an apron like striped fabric draping over her pants and her shirt is a simple black shirt, strapless. I have to admit her performance and the special effects went so good with her stage performance, but her voice just didn't make the cut for me. I just saw she has two yellow feathers in her hair as well that give the appearance that they are glued to her head. Wouldn't surprise me; Elvis used to staple a ball cap to his head all the time. OUCH!

I hope you have enjoyed my commentary. I left out what the judges say because a friend of mine does that and I want to leave that as her thing and make my thing where I give my opinion as well a commentary on what the contestants are wearing.

I would like to give Three honorable mentions right now, that may seem quite random, but they were on American Idol. Two in previous seasons, the other in this season,
but went off too soon, in my opinion. These honorable mentions are here simply because I feel like it and haven't forgotten their talent and one of them I have just learned of his talent.

Danny Noriega:

Aaron Kelly:

Brett Loewenstern:

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