Monday, March 14, 2011

Simply, A List

Now, this comes from something that is actually a 30 day challenge, but I am just doing it for fun. 

01) A Show That Should Have Never Been Canceled

Well, despite my brief political past, the show that I think should have never been canceled was not a news broadcast/show LoL. It was a cute little cartoon show that Nickelodeon was trying out. "Pelswick." I thought it was cute because the main character was in a wheelchair. It was canceled and never brought to thought for re-airing the show or even re-runs, because of a sexist comment on one of their episodes. To me, yes the comment was sexist, but you'd think they would have had someone to pre-read the script and make sure there wasn't anything that could be taken as offensive. Or, just banned the episode entirely like the creators of Pokemon had to do because of something that I could never find an explanation for. 
I am not sexist, myself, but you'd think they would have been smart about this. They had a smart show and the day after they aired the episode with the sexist comment, it was canceled. I should tell what the comment was, because I remember watching the show while it was still airing and thinking, "Oooh! That could hurt the show.
The father of Pelswick and his siblings was doing politics very wrong and was talking about women, then said, "Oops! I'm sorry. The Mustache impaired." Yeah, not exactly a happy-go-lucky comment. I wouldn't have said it myself. 

2) A Show You Wish More People Were Watching

If you know me, by now you should know that I am into architecture and design. If you don't know me, then you just first found that out now, but I don't pretend to be an epic addition to the internet :p. The show that I wish more people were watching is called "Holmes On Homes," from HGTV, but I can't really use that now because I just read that the show is going to be canceled. Which sucks because I liked the show; Then I guess I'll just have to go with "Glenn Beck." No, i'm not serious, but the idea of the reader going, "WTF?" as he read that just made me chuckle inside. I used to watch that show, but I decided that the Republican party isn't for me anymore. I support gay rights too much to be apart of it :-/.
Since my original choice for this may be getting canceled, I am brought to a tough decision. You see, I don't watch many shows, and the ones I do watch are either no longer on the air or ones that I don't watch as much as I could. I guess that i'll go with "House Hunters" from from the same network, HGTV. I'm sure that it gets a lot of good ratings, because it's been on the air for years, but I don't know anyone that watches it. I watch it whenever I can because it's fun watching people decide which house to pick. I'm somewhat of a critic myself, when it comes to how people design houses. Whenever I see that you have to go into the kitchen to get to a bedroom door, or a living with a bedroom off of it etc; i'm like "WTH?" Who designed this place?? I saw an episode recently where the woman chose a house where there was a bedroom off the living room and one off the dining room. I was like, "Schmuck!" Well, wait, I just found out that "House Hunters," only aires re-runs because it was canceled. At least according to Google. Which makes this even tougher. Do I watch a current show that hasn't been canceled and one that not a lot of people watch? I guess not, for now :-/. So for now, since House Hunters is still on the air, whether new or not because Google might be misinformed or it may have been a site from someone who hates the show and wants people to stop tuning in because they think it was canceled LoL, so that's my answer. "House Hunters." EDIT: Just did a search on "House Hunters New Episodes 2011, and there's a link for new episodes so i'm assuming it hasn't been canceled? 
03) Your Favourite New Show (Aired This T.V. Season)

Hmm...I honestly can't answer this one because I'm not watching any new shows right now. :-/ Not really.

04) Your Favourite Telly Show Ever

It doesn't even need commentary."The Golden Girls"

05)Favourite Episode Of Your Favourite Telly Show:

Oh! This is so easy. Season Six, Episode 9. Dorothy has double trouble with two men who are fighting for her. Sonny Bono & Lyle Wagoner. Please don't ask me who they are, or i'll feel old. I'm already gay and in the gay world, you're over the hill at 30; which i've only got 7 1/2 years left LoL! Blanche also gets the shock of her life when she finds out the one who has been sending her flowers is her deceased husband George.


07) Least Favourite Episode Of Your Favourite Telly Show
Well, after looking up the episodes, i'd have to say Season 3, Episode 6: Letter to Gorbachev. It was an episode in which Rose sends a letter to President Reagan and Gorbachev of Russia, who served as the Premiere from 1985 to 1991. Just found out he's still alive and kickin' at 80. Anyway, Rose is worried about Nuclear war and sends these letters off in hopes to shut them off. In the story only, she moves the spirit of Gorbachev. Reagan doesn't even respond with the usual thank you letter that each president has pre-made by someone. It's usually a thank you letter that is pre-written and then copied a lot of times for whomever wants one. I myself, wrote Clinton and Bush II. I lost the one from Bush II though. Back to the topic. What I didn't like about the episode is that they made Rose out to seem dumber and more simple child-like than in any other episode of the series. Actually, retrospect, Rose got dumbed down as the series kept going on. Another thing I wasn't too fond of, was that she equalized to that of a 9 year old girl. 

09) A Show That Everyone Should Watch

Immediately, I think of "House."

It is still on the air, and I am sure of it because I just heard that the new season was starting. What I love about this show is Houses' bluntness. I just love how he's always straight to the point on everything. He has emotional issues, which are obviously there because all great stories have some sort of drama to them. Whether it's action which presents a problem for the characters, or an emotional situation that forces people to say how they really feel. In Houses' case, he just says mostly what comes to mind. Not too much, but if it's relevant, despite harsh, he says it. There's a lot of medical things to learn on the show as well. Don't ask me for an assessment of the medical things i've learned on the show, because i'd have to give it a lot of thought, and even then, I don't think I absorbed as much medical knowledge as I have storyline and plot.

09) Best Scene Ever.

I must say that this is rather tough. I've seen so many movies and so many shows that it would be so hard to pick just one. Depending if I can find it on youtube too! which it is! But in a long video. This movie is called "Haunted Honeymoon," starring Dom Deluise, Gene Wilder and so many other great actors. Skip to 3:00 and watch until about 4:17. I highly suggest you watch the whole movie though, because it's great.
In case you haven't already figured it out, Madame Catherine slide down the bannister to conceal a fart! LMAO!!!!

A little honorable mention, as my friend Nicole calls them :D. This movie is one of my many favourites. I think this part of the list was meant to be a favourite show of a telly show, but I don't really have just one favourite for that, and since i'm not exactly participating in the challenge that this was meant for, i'm entitled to cheat! Anyway, if it were possible, I would have all my favourite movies together on a shelf. Not in a form of Idolatry, but because not only are these movies classics, in my opinion; they have fond memories attached to them.

One of the perks of growing up with my gran(dmother) and mother was that I got a glimpse of two separate worlds. I got my mother's horrid 80s music collect :p, along with her mysticism known as the Dream book. One thing my mother and I agree on completely is that our dreams when we sleep can be what is known as Psychic Dreams. I'll keep that for another blog, perhaps, or perhaps not; but I also got a glimpse of what my grandmother was interested in. This why a lot of my interests are not what is known today as 'main stream.' I grew up watching movies like the one in the clip I added, along with many other films directed by Mel Brooks. He made numerous films that I watched as a child; hilarious. 

The fact that most of the characters in these movies are Jewish, I think, is completely irrelevant, despite my recent blogs posts about that faith. I didn't know that about them all till much later. I'm going off topic here, but I wanted to mention Mel Brooks because he has so many movies that I enjoyed while growing up. Maybe my next blog shall be about the types of shows and movies I watched while growing up. :-) Prepare for the longest blog of your life! :-p jk.

10) A Show You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving

That would have to be "Prison Break." I started watching it when I first met my boyfriend. I was being kind of silly and wanted to be there with him, so whenever he watched a show, if I was home, I tuned in and watched it with him; while on the phone of course, because at that time, I didn't live with him. The show has a complicated story line. Not to mention, when on television, it leaves you hanging because it's time for commercials! 

Admittedly, it's been so long since i've seen the show that I have forgotten a lot about it. I remember a big corporation that was scheming to get these people in jail for crimes, that they didn't commit (?) if I remember correctly. The main character, who was also kind of cute, had a brain tumor. The show was a serial drama. The storyline was usual with a man being sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit. Then, the plot gets original when his brother manages to break him out and then the rest of the series is them along with other people that were compromised by this corporation, try to prove their innocence by obtaining something called "Silla." I just remembered the plot :p. "Silla" is a chip, basically, the holds all the data proving their innocence, and implicating the Coloration as the real criminals. It was fun show; I think it aired for 3 or 4 seasons, but it ended purposely, and wasn't canceled. I'm not sure what language that is, off hand; I think French because of "La"; but it says "Escape is only the beginning." I know that because i've seen the English translation version of this poster. :p.

11) A Show That Disappointed You

Hmm... That's an interesting one. I think the only show I've ever felt disappointed in was American Idol. As much as I love the show, I think parts of it are rigged. Yet again, there was a leak that has been avoided by Fox; which states that they already know who the winner is this year. My partner heard that over the radio yesterday. Season 7 was disappointing for me because I was rooting for David Archuleta. Now, I admit that I think he's cute and hot and sexy, but his voice is amazing. David Cook's voice is okay, but it wasn't really doing anything for me. Season 8 was the first time i'd ever watched the show. During season 7, Time Warner Cable lost a contract with Fox and therefore had no rights to show American Idol that year. I hear that a lot of customers were upset, at least the ones where I was in Wisconsin.

Season 8, I was slightly disappointed with, but not so much really. Kris Allen has released two songs that I find quite logical, and it's refreshing that they are NOT ABOUT SEX! Adam Lambert may or may not have lost that season because he is gay. I knew he was before he announced it in the press, but also, People Magazine putting him on the cover may have hurt him slightly too. Don't know why really, but I guess, Statistically, people don't like voting for a contestant getting a lot of attention(?). I don't know how accurate that is, but for me, I just root for the one that I think is the best. David Archuleta has released great cd's, though since i'm Jewish now, I can't really listen to his Christmas album. Then again, i'm slightly confused as to why Barbra Streisand did a Christmas album when she's Jewish?

Season 9, I guess I only watched it because of Ellen DeGeneres being a host. I was rooting for several that season though. Crystal Bowersox was one; she sort of reminded me of Janis Joplin, not so much her voice, but her hair and fashion choices did. Her voice was what did it for me though. Her new song is pretty good. I like it. Season 9 is the one I remember most because of talent, and well, because it was last season; I guess. Megan Joy has by far the most unique voice ever. So I kinda liked it. Allison Iraheta was one I was rooting for at the end, Danny Gokey is good, but I am not too enthusiastic about his debut album; which I bought. I wish that Jorge Nunez had come farther though, not only is he fine as hell, but his voice was GREAT! Like the cereal :p. The rest weren't very appealing for me. Scott Macintyre was okay. This season, i'm not sure yet. I have to go through the current contestants list. So here we go...

Currently, in season 10, we have our Top 24. Brett Loewenstern is one of my current favourites because of his original song that he performed before finding out if he was in the Top 24 or not. The lyrics were true, they seemed heartfelt and coming from one who writes lyrics and poetry, it was beautiful. Casey Abrams is not really a favourite of mine, but i'm sure glad he didn't hear what I said when they gave us a tease of him knocking a chair over. I saw that and assumed he wasn't through; that he had thrown a tantrum and I called him childish. :( I feel bad for that now.

I try not to base my decisions on who I would root for on how attractive they are, but James Durbin is really cute. He seems to have a good voice too. As I skim through the top 24, I don't remember some of their voices, but I remember Rachel Zevita's, Robbie Rosen's, who's also fine as hell. Scotty McCreery is handsome, but he sounds exactly like Josh Turner, so i'm wondering if that's going to help him or hurt him. Jovany Bareto may have to tone down his macho-ness and his slight cockiness if he wants to make it through this competition (yes, everyone's a critic LoL). Jacob Lusk did great on his song where some of the lyrics are "God Bless The Child," but it's not the song by Shania where I always smirk when I hear her say the word "crack."

I think I remember Clint Jun Gamboa's voice too. I guess i'm not really disappointed with this season, because they've sent home most of the people whose voices weren't too appealing to me. Just my opinion. :-) 

12) Books I've Read Since 2009

Originally, I was going to say "
Forgive me if I later find out that some of these books, I read in late 2009. The only books off hand that I KNOW I didn't read this year, are the First 3 Harry Potter books, because I think I read them in 2008. I think, because I read them before I went to live in Ohio with my partner."; because this section is supposed to be titled, 'Books I Read in 2010, but since I only read two books last year that I can remember; And, since i'm not technically apart of the challenge this is apart of, as I said, i'm entitled to cheat. :p.
By: Heather Brewer
I read her first 2 books of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod

A) Eighth Grade Bites
Which was rather interesting. It sets the scene, naturally, for the whole series. It gives an in depth explanation of this fiction story; Entailing that Vladimir grew up knowing that he needed to consume blood, which his Aunt that he lives with, pilfers from her hospital. It's a unique way for Vlad to drink blood, because it's in little baggies, since they are intended for blood transfusions. In real life, i'm sure they would eventually notice there's some missing and do some investigating to find out why, but his Aunt manages to sneak them home without getting caught.

Vlad doesn't live with his parents because they died in a mysterious fire that seemed to only engulf their bedroom. The rest of the house was untouched, but the police wrote it off as a fluke, basically. His Aunt is nice enough to pay the taxes on that house until Vlad is old enough to get a job and afford the taxes himself. I'm assuming her nursing job pays her A LOT to be able to pay the taxes on two separate houses; but I don't want to bash the book, because I love the series. 

This first book is about him and his teacher that he doesn't want to trust. The worst part is, he's becoming paranoid because the teacher wrote on his assignment that he knew Vlad's secret. There's also another bad guy that knows Vlad's secret, and seeks to destroy him. You'll have to read the book to find out what all happens.
B) Ninth Grade Slays

What I neglected to mention in the brief description of the first book, is that Vlad has a best friend named Henry. In this sequel, Henry's cousin is coming to town, in the pretense of going to school. I must keep this synopsis as to not give too much away about the first book. Henry's cousins turns out to be apart of a Vampire Slayer Society and seeks to kill Vlad. If he fails to kill Vlad, then Vlad is apart of the prophesy. You'll have to read the book to find out what all happens. :-)

 As much as I cringe....

By: Sarah Palin

C) Going Rogue: An American Life

I am not one to bash people, though sometimes it seems that when I would state opinions, it appeared I was saying, 'i'm right! you're wrong!'; but I wasn't intending to purvey that message. I say this because when I read this book, I believed in her party whole heatedly. To avoid getting political, i'll simply say that I am not a believer in her party anymore. 

I consider what i've gathered in my brain from her book as her opinions. When I read the book, I truly felt it was like the Gospel of Sarah Palin. No, not really, just joking on that one; But I did feel like it was sincere. It might be, because I think that Republicans think they are doing the right things, but I don't anymore. 

Her book describes her political journey, which was really interesting. I found one part of her book hilarious. When she did a bunch of vetoes for her first yearly budget, a lot of the representatives went all nuts. "Where's my bug money?" "She double crossed us!" and a bunch of other comments that she wrote to appear as childish. Not sure what to think anymore; I like that she says that she's not afraid to stand up against her own party, but right now i'm at a crossroads. I'm mostly just wanting them to do the right things. So I consider reading her book as an interesting experience.

By: Michael Lotker

D) A Christian's Guide To Judaism

This is one of the more recent books that I have read. I picked this up at a local library because of a personal religious decision to seek Judaism. This book is truly brief, but a jolly good start. I learned a lot of basics on Judaism and why it's in place. There's not really much more to say about it it other than that. :p.

By: Naftali Brawer

E) A Brief Guide To Judaism: Theology, History and Practise

This is me, slightly, cheating again. I am not done reading this book, but it is a book that I have been reading a lot. This is much like the last one on D, but it is a more in depth look. They still call it brief because Jewish study is an intellectual journey when you read the Torah and the Tannakh; and so many other holy works, if you so choose too; yet I find it interesting that this one was called brief, when it has more pages than the 'Christian's Guide to Judaism.'

13) An Episode You've Watched More Than 5 Times

Well, this'll be easy and quick. I have seen every episode of 'The Golden Girls,' so many times I can't even count. These were before I got all 7 seasons on DVD and then I watched them countless times too. If I had to pick an episode from another show that i've watched more than five times, it would have to be the Pilot episode of Spongebobe. LoL!


-14.)Favourite Childhood Show

That really depends on which part of my childhood one refers too. As an adolescent, I loved Looney Tunes. The only one I didn't really care for was the ones where the looney tunes were in diapers. It was cute, but not as good as the others. 

Then, if you're talking after I stopped watching Looney Tunes as much, it was the Rugrats.


15) Favourite Male Character

Hmm...I've never really thought about it. I guess i'd be sentimental, but probably Tommy Pickles LoL. I used to watch that show all the time. 

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