Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rejection sucks, and a late congratulations to the wonderful Colin Firth

So, I think I'm really back this time. I ended up with strep on top of an already unpleasant recovery, but thats actually a good thing because that means there's an answer to why I was feeling so crappy and then they gave me a shot (that was fun, let me tell you) and now I feel much better. Hopefully the upswing will keep upswinging this time.

Anyway, it's been another heavy rejection week, and I have been telling myself for years now that I'm good at rejection and that I've learned to take it like water off a ducks back, and I think relatively I probably do handle it okay, but my rejection/acceptance ratio is really starting to make me feel like a hack. I think everyone goes through that though, and the thing is to just keep submitting and writing, which I will do of course.

But the thing is, how do you really know you aren't just lousy? I'm serious when I ask that question. Sure your family and roommates will say its good, but how do you know editors aren't laughing at your short story and using it to line their garbage cans? Again, serious question. Whats the check? Is it the number of rejections? I'm good until like, forty or more. The thing is, the rejections I've gotten this week are from Poetry, Hunger Mountain and Boulevard, which are all pretty lofty and prestigious magazines. Maybe I'm just not good enough for those ones. But I still want to submit to the top notch ones, because its all subjective and you never know.

This isn't an unusual feeling for writers, is it? I'm pretty sure I just have to keep doing what I'm doing and that it will happen eventually. Meanwhile I'm working on more short stories and still thinking about changing my big WIP, though like always I'm having issues going from characters and scenario to plot, which I want to discuss in a near future post.

And also, belated congratulations to Colin Firth for his win at the Academy Awards. He is absolutely amazing, talented, and incredibly, incredibly sexy. Still.

Sarah Allen

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