I don't know about you - but I'm a sucker for book covers. I
love looking at the colors, the fonts, the clues that are hidden in the images. Right now, a lot of Fall covers are being revealed so I thought I would share a few new covers of friends of mine.
Above we have the beautiful
Elizabeth Bunce. This is the sequel to STARCROSSED that released in 2010 and I love that they have the same girl on both covers.
Next, I have
Gretchen McNeil's new cover for her horror / paranormal story,
Isn't that fantastic with the reflection of the bare tree limbs superimposed on her face like she's cracking? Can you say creepy??
And finally, I have
Ellen Booraem's new paperback cover for her 2008 novel,
That is a haunting image as well, isn't it? I love the swirls and how the title is designed as a reflection that isn't really a reflection...intriguing.
What covers have you seen lately that have caught your eye and made you want to pick up the book?
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