Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The difficulty with my genre is...

This is something I've been thinking about while I have been working on the first draft of my first novel. There is still no title yet, but it is an adult mainstream book. That is the typical genre that I write in. The thing is, I'm becoming a bit nervous that it isn't exciting enough. I am extremely excited by the story and the characters, but there are no car chases or gun fights or lawyers or kidnapping or murderers, and there are no vampires or teenagers in love with paranormal creatures. I guess I'm feeling intimidated by the fact that I am not writing thriller or paranormal romance. Those seem to be the popular genres of the day, and I'm worried that my story is not going to catch peoples attention because it is not within those genres. I know thats a ridiculous worry, though, because I don't really read thrillers or paranormal romance either, so I know that there are amazing books out there outside of those genres, but my question is: how do I know, in this era of thriller and paranormal romance, that my book is exciting enough? That it won't bore the modern reader to absolute death?

I have another question about genres. I want to write in many different types of genres. I'm doing adult mainstream right now, and that is probably going to stay my main genre, but I know I want to try YA and I may want to try my hand at fantasy or western or adventure or romance, other genres like that. Is that possible, in todays publishing world? Will agents, editors and publishers allow writers to do that? Have any of you done this, and how has it turned out for you?

Here's the thing. I'm going to write no matter what, and write what I want to write no matter what. But I still have questions and doubts about whether and how I can be successful doing that. So advice and info would be fantastic. Thanks to all of you for your amazing help and support.

What are the difficulties for you in your genre? Do you find it useful to write in a variety of genres or not, and why?

Sarah Allen

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