Friday, February 25, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For

Happy Friday Everyone!  Just a short post today, cuz it's late and I am running behind schedule but a friend of mine recently said to me - "you're one of those cup-half-full people, aren't you?" which made me smile - because I am.  I was born on the sunny side of the street and I like it that way. ;-)  But that doesn't mean I don't count my blessings on a daily basis.

So here's a couple of things I'm thankful for today:

1. Beautiful, pristine white snow covering everything and bright blue skies overhead.
2. The internet that allows me to connect with people I would NEVER have met otherwise. One of the perks of getting a book published, that I had NO IDEA would come my way, is the chance to meet people from all over the world, who share my love of reading.  Case in point - just this week I've met people from:

Singapore (hi Fena!)
Australia ( hi Natalie, Brittany and Romy!)
Virginia (hi Meaghan!)
Indiana (hi Jasmine & Jacinda!)
Texas (hi Cynthia & Jessi!)
California (hi Camille!)
Michigan (hi Missy & Kim!)
Georgia (hi Stacey!)
The Philippines (hi Kai! - I met Kai a few months ago but we chatted again this week after a great blog post on her site)

Thank you for your interest in THE FAERIE RING! I am so happy to get to 'meet' you all!

3.  No school for my daughter.

4. It's Friday!

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend! If there are things you are thankful for - share it in the comments!!


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