Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Jewish Doctrines

Conservative Judaism.
Jewish Movement. As a historical movement, Conservative Judaism was directed by Zacharias Frankel (1801-1875) and tried to limit the influence of new ideas of the Age of Enlightenment who infiltrated the Jewish community. They tried to reconcile their traditions with new research and historical methods, but always seeking to maintain Jewish identity. Conservative Judaism was therefore aimed at preserving the tradition, but without rejecting modernity. For example, his supporters claim that the Mosaic Law is still valid, but The rabbinical leaders can set certain changes.
Among the educational institutions that have ties to the movement are Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York, the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary in Buenos Aires, the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, and the Beit Midrash in Jerusalem. The left wing of the movement gave rise to Reconstructionism (® Reconstructionist Judaism), but the right wing opposed the decision of Conservative Judaism to ordain women as rabbis, and later formed the Union for Traditional Judaism.

Esoteric Judaism.
esoteric interpretation of Judaism. Rather the study of esoteric elements in the development of religion among the Jews and especially in groups like the Essenes ®, the ® Karaites, the Jewish Cabala (Kabbala ®), the syncretic religion in Judaism, Gnosticism ® among Jews, Mandaeism (® Mandaean), etc.

Orthodox Judaism.
Jewish Movement. Jewish traditionalists who insist on literal interpretation of the Torah and accept a lifestyle based on the legal requirements of Halacha, or rabbinic tradition. Do not accept the authority of the rabbis of other liberal beliefs about the reception of converts and in matters such as divorce. Neither used the organ music is opposed to use for proselytizing propaganda and demanded that men and women sit in separate places in the synagogue. In Israel, most of the Orthodox support religious parties, but they are a minority among Israeli Jews.

In the United States has several major centers where they are established, as in Los Angeles, Cleveland, Chicago, southern Florida and the Northeast. They also have large communities in Toronto and Montreal (Canada), Melbourne (Australia), Antwerp (Belgium) and the former Soviet Union.

Reconstructionist Judaism.
Jewish Movement. Jews who have done pioneering work in the struggle for equality between men and women within the Jewish context. Under the leadership of Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, the Society for the Advancement of Judaism was founded in 1922 with the aim of integrating scientific and democratic values \u200b\u200band scholarship in a "reconstruction of Judaism." Among its institutions include the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, founded by R. Ira Eisenstein.

The move is considered as passed the age of Halacha, or rabbinic tradition. For them, the ® JUDAISM is the religious civilization of the Jewish people and, therefore, must evolve and adapt their beliefs and practices to the needs of the world. Among its special features highlights his rejection of belief in a supernatural God to intervene in the affairs of men.

Since its foundation have joined the girls to the Jewish ceremony of initiation or bar mitzvah. In 1968 they decided to ordain women rabbis and allowed the ladies to take the lead in religious divorce or gittin. His most famous institution is the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania.

Reconstructionists strongly support the State of Israel.

Reform Judaism.
Jewish Movement. The differences between Orthodox Judaism ® and amendment or amendments, considered more liberal or progressive, are related to the authority of the Halacha, or rabbinic tradition, biblical and legal aspects. Although the reformists accept the authority of the Torah, make a distinction between eternal elements and legal forms or traditions product of an era.

The Reformers put aside his belief in a personal Messiah. Are generally more flexible than other Jews, especially the Orthodox. For example, agree that the ® Judaism is inherited not only by the mother but the father. Jews were the first to ordain women as rabbis.

The movement has its roots in a progressive Jewish school and synagogue organized by Israel Jacobson in Seesen. Jacobson moved later to Berlin and held religious services in private homes. Hamburg's Jews built a synagogue in 1818 and named "temple." The United States organized the Reformed Society of Israelites in Charleston, South Carolina, in the period 1825-1833. Over time, the American Reformed movement became a name when Isaac Mayer Wise founded an organization of synagogues, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in 1873, and also the Hebrew Union College in 1875.

Black Jews
(also known as "Jews Ethiopians ',' felajas "," felashas "or" Falasha. ")
Ethiopian Jewish Community. Ethiopian converts to Judaism since antiquity. Ethiopian Jews or black Jews have focused particularly on his faith in the Old Testament, but do not use the Talmud.
A good number of them have been converted to the Coptic Church or the Protestant, while others have emigrated to Israel and one sector has remained in Ethiopia.

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