Friday, February 18, 2011

What Do They Look Like Basque

The Mosquito and the Lion

A mischievous and impertinent mosquito, had some days the occurrence of disturbing a lion that was resting quietly. He approached the beast and all insolence, he said: - do I have fear! You are no more powerful than me! And if you think otherwise, show me what you can do! "Scratches with your nails? "Nailing your fangs? Bah ... that can make even the weakest of the kittens! The Lion, indifferent, not the slightest attention to the words of the mosquito, but he continued to insist: - I am stronger and braver than you and I'll show you!, I challenge you fight! And more, the mosquito began to circle around the lion was on him and stuck his stinger in the nose of the cat. Desperate, the poor lion began scratching, clawing at the air he roared in pain, until he felt tired and withdrew to follow luchando.El mosquito, victorious and satisfied, sounded his trumpet flew buzzing and singing a song of triumph. I was so blinded by pride, did not notice a spider stood in his flight and was caught in it. Mourning and weeping, the mosquito lamented ...-¡ I make war on the strongest animal, will I win ... and now succumbed to the most insignificant insect! This is the price he paid for the intrepid mosquito arrogant and boastful.

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