Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pic Of The Largest Clotris

The 5 love languages \u200b\u200b- I

Palabras de afirmacion

said on one occasion Mark Twain "I can live for two months with
a compliment, a recognition." If we take this literally
would say that with six good compliments could maintain their status
emotional good for one year. Probably your partner
need more than that.
"Death and life are in the power of language ..." Pr 18.21
and not speaking a word of the executioner, but the power behind the words we speak about others.
"Heaviness in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes
happy. "Pr 12.25
The truth is that words of gratitude, gratitude, appreciation,
of mind can be a way to express love very valuable. What
environment could be created in our relations a word frequency
as "Look how beautiful these in those clothes" or "Thank you for
help with this or that. " Sometimes, either because the criticism is as easy
or because the truth is that we are happy to talk to despotism
say, " Going down the garbage or wait for the flies to the
lleven al contenedor?” Sin embargo cuando recibimos palabras de 
ánimo o gratitud estamos mucho más abiertos a responder a los deseos 
del otro que cuando recibimos una demanda cargada de criticismo.  
  • A. Palabras de ánimo  
Animar significa “dar aliento.” Esa es una forma en que tus palabras 
pueden expresar tu amor. Todos nosotros tenemos áreas en las que nos 
feel insecure. We lack that spirit that keeps us from doing what
dream. It is doubtful that we are fully using our
capabilities and is certainly no recognition is impossible
realize our full potential. Your husband may have
undeveloped skills in a manner expected of your words to
possible to start because insecurity stop them. Often
man busy with their profession and vocation, ignores
capabilities that his wife may have undeveloped. Sometimes they are the
coming of the children that prevent development, but our
indifference or disinterest can also be a cause. Encourage her with words,
encourage you to take a course or meet with these or those are
ways we express our love for her.
Of course, giving encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from
the other's perspective. What matters is not what we consider
important, but what our spouse considers important. Not
our skills but of him or her. It is not encouraged to do
our thoughts but to encourage to meet their
prospects or hope.
  • B. Kind words
over the content of our words is our tone that gives
meaning. The same phrase may invite intimacy or break the
communication. Words can lead almost irresistibly to anger
or may placate anger. You can even express offenses or misdemeanors
behavior in a way that invites rather than restoring the
"The soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger "
Pr 15.1
As humans one of the kind words we need are the
of forgiveness, because I'm sure that from time to time about
unintentionally offend us. Errors and sins of the past once
confessed and forgiven will not go again. A judge's attitude
relentless, demanding, bitterness, can not build intimacy.
For this we need forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a commitment
. "Although you could still need some time to
heal my wound that will not emerge as a conflict between us."
This is also a necessary kindness in our words.
  • C. Words in humility
Love calls, no demands. If I demand I become the father and my wife in the
three year old girl who does not know what to do. We must always bear in mind that in marriage are two adults and peers, we are partners. To build intimacy is necessary to know the wishes and needs of the person you want to have that relationship. Sometimes we express our desires, ask for theirs,
but always giving or asking for guidance on how to express love, no ultimatums presented.
not even a domineering mother or a father demanding can build a privacy
with their children by maintaining a relentless attitude, how much less
with an adult? We need to give a choice to respond to our request
or not. Given a choice you can respond in love, but with the requirement
love suffocates.
You may not be a man or woman of many words and this
way of expressing love too much trouble. Test to see and record if necessary
encouraging words you read in books or see in movies.
When you talk to your wife talks to @ before other compliments to her or him.
Support your wife when you participate in a conversation with friends.
publicly acknowledges the support or part your wife on the achievements you've accomplished.
Words are a very important vehicle for expressing affection.
However, although important may not be the most important
for you. Whether the circumstances of our childhood, either by different
circumstances that could trigger a lack of love in the couple, which for me can be very important to you is not. Among the ways we express affection for another second language.

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