Thursday, February 17, 2011

Come Closer....yes, it's my First Pass Pages!

Is that not beautiful?  This is the title page of my book, THE FAERIE RING. Go ahead - stare at it - I have been!

I'll tell you, getting my jaw-dropping cover last week, and now, this beautiful title page and the chapter headings - (I had NO idea that they were designing something so lovely and elegant) - it's enough to make a girl a bit verklempt! I am so grateful to my editor, Susan Chang, for making my book so perfect.

Take a look at my chapter headings:
This is my absolutely favorite kind of design embellishment for a book. I can hardly believe it's mine!

Since my book doesn't come out until October, you're probably wondering how I'm seeing all this stuff already. I received my First Pass Pages today! These pictures are from my typeset manuscript. The name, First Pass Pages, is a bit of a misnomer because it's the *last* time that an author has to make any changes to the manuscript.  Hopefully, we caught everything in copy edits and there will only be a few small fixes on this pass.  From here - it's on to ARCs - Advanced Reader Copies - where my book is printed in paperback form for advance review.

So tell me - what do you think?


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