Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What do you think of when you hear the words 'The Faerie Ring?'

As you know, the title of my book is THE FAERIE RING. (In fact, you're probably sick of hearing it by now, aren't you? hee hee Sorry about that! )

As many authors do, I have a Google alert set up that sends me an email if the words 'the faerie ring' are used so I'm aware if my book is being discussed or reviewed. I get one almost every day though it's often not about my book.

In fact, it's quite fascinating how often people use this phrasing (not necessarily the same spelling but they seem to love those three words together.)  There are 'the faerie ring' games, there are guided meditations, there are campgrounds named The Faerie Ring; there's faerie ring music and an album, there's a faerie ring "spell blend" on Etsy that promises all sorts of magical results. There's the faerie ring arts and crafts, dolls and I know I've seen links to someone who knits socks that uses the term faerie ring.

This drawing, 'A Fantasy, The Fairy Ring', by George Cruikshanks dates back to 1850:

And of course we've all heard of:

In my story, there are multiple meanings for the phrase, The Faerie Ring. I'll share a little teaser excerpt from the book for you:

“The fey do love to play jokes on mortals. The mushroom circle is one of their favorites.” 

And I can tell you this much:  my book, THE FAERIE RING, is NOT about a mushroom circle. ;-)

So tell me - what do you think of when YOU hear the words 'The Faerie Ring?' 

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