Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In the room where I am writing

For me, I like to sit on my bed with my laptop on my lap. I use Microsoft Word, and I write in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, single spaced. I know a lot of people feel that font restrictive, but I kind of feel distracted by any other. I don't like the quiet, but music with words is too distracting for me, so I listen to classical, movie soundtracks, instrumental jazz, ambiance or nature sounds. The last two are more recent, most often its movie scores. I hate jeans, so I wear sweat pants, at least until I have to go out in public. My room isn't particularly organized, but its not trashed either, and I've got a big bookshelf right in front of me.

So what about you? I am fascinated by the different processes writers have for getting settled. Where do you sit? What is the room like? What word processor do you use? Do you listen to music, and if so what kind? Do you have specific clothes you wear or a specific drink you have next to you on the desk? Do you have windows, pictures, bookshelves, etc that you use to buoy you up?

I think learning about the process of other writers helps, because it allows us to feel that we're not alone, plus gives us ideas that may work for us. So, in short, what is it like in the room where you are writing?

Sarah Allen

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