Monday, January 31, 2011

January Movie Club Selection: Field of Dreams

1989 baseball fantasy

Rating: 11/20

Plot: After a choppy backstory that explains a broken relationship with a father and how he married the most annoying woman in Iowa, Ray Kinsella settles into the present day where he struggles to stay afloat as a corn farmer. One afternoon, Ray is standing in his field (this is apparently something that farmers often do) and hears a voice telling him to build something so that somebody will come. He giggles. He later hallucinates and decides, because of his father's lack of spontaneity, to build a baseball field so that Shoeless Joe Jackson can boss him around on it. Shoeless Joe and his friends start playing on the field regularly, and Ray semi-retires so that he can sit on the bleachers and do absolutely nothing. But more voices lead him to Boston to find Darth Vader and then Minnesota to find J. J. Hunsecker.

Right away, we know why Cory loves this movie. For there, right on the Kinsella television screen, is Jimmy Stewart himself (in Harvey)in the first of two too-obvious references to mental illness. The other is that "I'm Crazy" song playing at a farm supply store.

I'd seen this movie once with my father about twenty years ago. Until I watched it again, I thought it was a pretty good movie that I actually liked. Turns out that it's a big sloppy mess of Hollywood treacle that I really kind of hated. It starts with the music. After some overly dramatic big Hollywood music accompanying pictures of young Ray, we get to the shots of Ray in his cornfield with the creepy ambient music that plays whenever he hears dead people. Here's what I want to know--does Ray also hear the creepy ambient music? After about fifteen minutes, I was already tired of the five-note piano theme that played every time something important happens. Later, I wanted to invent a drinking game or something like a drinking game where I shoved a pencil in my ear every time that music played.

I don't mind stretching my imagination, suspending my disbelief, or whatever. Field of Dreams forces me to stretch things a little too thin. Take for instance the hallucinations that lead him to his epiphany. He keeps asking if he's crazy because the script has him ask it about ten times. The answer has to be "Yes!" doesn't it? Nobody in his right mind is going to build a baseball field in that situation. Then, after he gets the "Ease his pain" message, he just happens to show up to a really awkward book-banning discussion where author Mann's name pops up, and he makes the connection? I loved that book discussion by the way. People randomly yelling out, "Pervert!" or "He's probably a communist!" And it climaxes with the most un-arousing catfight in the history of cinema. It's hard to swallow that a big coinkydink leads him to want to travel to Boston and Mann. But when his obnoxious wife starts in with the "I had a dream you were watching a game at Fenway with Mann" thing? I might have thrown up anyway, but that five-note piano motif came on and made it happen a little quicker.

The acting--I didn't like it, almost top to bottom. Burt Lancaster's the best of the bunch, but there are some moments when he's reading his lines like he's in a hurry, almost like he feels he has to finish them before he dies. Young "Moonlight" is maybe the worst, wide-eyed and talentless. He even overdoes winking. Amy Madigan is just too much, but maybe Ray's wife is supposed to be irritating. It's almost like Madigan read the script, thought it was a comedy, and played everything for laughs. James Earl Jones doesn't really fit inside his pants or his character, and Mann's behavior and dialogue is so inconsistent. There's an obnoxious child actor, Gaby Hoffmann; the only thing she accomplished was making me wish Ray and his wife were childless. At one point, Ray's brother-in-law (right before he shoves her off the top of the bleachers and nearly kills her) asks, "What the hell is she talking about?" and that was exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to give Timothy Busfield (Ed's brother on the TV show Ed) a high five. And there's Ray Liotta who seems bored with his role as Shoeless Joe. And good ol' Kevin Costner. His idea of "acting" is apparently looking into the distance and nodding or, sometimes, looking really confused. My favorite Costner moment is during a scene where he's driving his VW van and practising how to greet Mann. It's nearly a Nicholas Cage moment.

Some random questions I had:

--Ray is telling his daughter Shoeless Joe's story while building half of a baseball field--clearing it of the corn, smoothing out the dirt, planting the grass seed, putting up the lights, assembling the bleachers, etc. Is he a really really slow storyteller or a quick builder of bleachers?

--When Shoeless Joe arrives, there's all this baseball equipment just sitting there ready to be used. Where did that come from?

--Was Shoeless Joe supposed to be kind of a jerk? I thought he was kind of jerky.

--Why was Ray's wife wearing a beanie at one point?

--Time travel? Seriously?

--Where did the umpires come from?

--Is the line "Who is this? Elvis?" supposed to be as funny as I thought it was?

--How about the line "You guys are guests in my corn"?

--The six minutes after the little girl is shoved from the bleachers--does it turn into a comedy there?

--Wouldn't the "Hey, Dad? Want to have a catch?" line really confuse John?

This is the type of movie that stretches sentimentality so far that it snaps and hits you right in the brain. Or the groin. Hard. It's just too, too much. And most unfortunately, Ray and his wife are trying to figure out how the baseball field can be a financial enterprise at the end of the movie. That was a sickening thematic twist there, wasn't it?

I'll end with something positive because I don't want to be all negative with the first movie club selection. There's a scene where James Earl Jones walks into the cornfield. Before he enters, he stands there with a dumb grin on his face, sticks his hand in and out a few times, laughs really awkwardly, wobbles a bit. I had to rewind and watch that several times. Take it out of the context of Field of Dreams, and it's absolutely hilarious.

True Grit

1969 western

Rating: 15/20 (Jen: 14/20)

Plot: Same as True Grit with The Dude except this one has The Duke.

In Germany, this is apparently known as Der Marshall. It was probably unfair to watch this so close to the new True Grit because this one looks almost flat by comparison. John Wayne's his normal larger-than-life self, this time with an eyepatch, and he gets a chance to ride a horse really fast and twirl guns around to remind everybody why he's the icon that he is. But he's not as good an actor as Jeff Bridges, and Bridges' Rooster is a better character in every way, nostalgia aside. Wayne still won an Oscar for this role though. This version didn't have the quirks and left turns of the Coens' take, and I missed them, probably because I enjoy left turns and quirks. This is straightforward, almost a movie that's afraid to take any chances. Again, I realize comparing it to the razzle-dazzle of a 20-teen's remake is completely unfair. Besides the Duke, you get a lot of character actors to fill in the story (Duvall, Hopper), and the girl (Kim Darby) wasn't terrible. But Glen Campbell? Casting Glen Campbell as Leboeuf was probably a mistake. This True Grit is a solid if not classic Western, and if you haven't seen it in a while, you should probably watch it before you watch the newest version.

By the way, I'm pretty sure the new True Grit is two points better than this version. I'm afraid rating another Coen Brother movie a 17/20 will cause somebody to accuse me of being a third Coen Brother or something.

I Walked with a Zombie

1943 voodoo drama

Rating: 16/20

Plot: Nurse Betsy takes a job on a plantation in the Caribbean. The plantation owner's wife is in a sort of walking coma (you know, like a zombie), and Betsy decides to try to cure her. After some failed efforts, she begins to wonder if voodoo is the answer. Meanwhile, she begins to fall in love with the husband.

I'd wanted to see this a while back because of the Roky Erickson song of the same name. Since this has unofficially become Jacques Tourneur month, it seemed like the perfect time to finally check it out. It's a concise nearly-thrill-free thriller, low budget and maybe not as stylish as the other two Tourneur movies I've seen recently, but it does have a few nice scenes. There's a fine moody scene involving a shadowy staircase with the a woman in a black nightgown pursued by a predator in a white dress that's really nice, and there's an atmospheric romp through a field. Some voodoo nuttiness jazzed up things, and I really liked the freaky-eyed guy on the cover, the character who was the most zombified although the titular zombie was actually somebody else. The early depiction of a strange and exotic culture is a bonus. However, a warning: If you're looking for a good zombie movie, this one would likely disappoint.

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Writing a Novel: Outline Versus Vamp

I'm about done with chapter 3 of my novel and so I've been thinking about method lately. Here's what I've done so far: in the very beginning I did a very, very general outline, basically a one-sentence or short paragraph summary of what happens in each chapter. Then I've been taking it chapter by chapter, including the parts I've outlined for each one and sort of vamping the rest. The thing is, though the vamping is fun, I'm finding that I wish I'd done a more extensive outline.

I know some writers do pages and pages of outlining, and others just have a first sentence and go from their, letting the story go as it may. What do you do? More specifically, what is it like, following your own method? If you vamp the whole time, how do you know its working, where do you come up with ideas for the next scene, etc? If you do extensive outlining, what format do you do it in, how specific do you get?

Any advice, input you have about your own novel-developmental ideas, would be great. What works for you? I'd love some specific ideas.

Thanks and happy writing!
Sarah Allen

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In this day, a love of love and affection proven way to buy a very special gift, which will make this day unforgettable. So spend more, you need the best Valentine's Day gift ideas to find.

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A romantic weekend is always a welcome gift for those who escape the daily pressures of life and for those who complain that she did not have time together ...

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In this day, a love of love and affection proven way to buy a very special gift, which will make this day unforgettable. So spend more, you need the best Valentine's Day gift ideas to find.

Start with a question: What is the ideal gift, which will make this special day, so both of you. Conventional or unconventional things? Jewelry or cosmetics? Lingerie or flowers?

Valentine's Day gift, usually red. Red sexy lingerie, sex games, red rose ... you decide whether to uphold the tradition.

A romantic weekend is always a welcome gift for those who escape the daily pressures of life and for those who complain that she did not have time together ...

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Sexy bed of roses? Sprinkle rose petals on the bed. If you want to send flowers to convey a message, select it carefully. White roses symbolize purity, red - passion, orange or coral roses symbolize desire. The final step is a pink flower bed means "I love you." This gift can be the perfect combination of sexy lingerie and intimate romantic dinner.

This is the best gift of money for those little: let "love coupons" to your beloved. These coupons can be used as a message for you to do: Cook a romantic dinner, prepare a bath with bubbles or anything else you know that he / she likes.

February 14 is set full of mystery, ready to treasure hunt, leading for yourself or your loved ones the gift of Valentine's Day

The Inciting Incident: Where does it belong?

I attended a webinar recently by a literary agent who talked about creating first pages that sizzle.  I always enjoy these conversations - not only does it make me revisit information I usually already know and probably need to think about again, but it makes me look at the craft of writing in new ways.

One of the topics that came up during the webinar was the inciting incident. The hook, if you will.  As chance would have it, my teenage daughter and I had been talking the night before about 'the hook' in a book. She was reading a bestselling YA novel that she termed 'boring'. (We all can't love everything.) So, we were chatting about why that was and she said 'I need to be hooked in the first 20 pages.' Which I agreed with.  As memory served me, I'd been taught that the inciting incident, or the hook, should occur in the first 10 to 30 pages.

Well, when I was attending the webinar the next day, the agent insisted that the inciting incident needed to occur in the first THREE pages to hook her. Huh?  Did I hear her right? A writer friend of mine attended the webinar also and we talked about setting the hook in the first 3 pages versus the first 30 pages.  But what about the characters? we said.  Don't we need to care about them before something happens?  

At the time, I was working on a YA contemporary novel where the hook occurred about page 8. I thought, what the heck, I'll try to tighten that up and see if I can get to it by page 3. And I did. And guess what?  It was better. I didn't miss any of the writing that I had cut. It forced me to make every word count.

Today I was reading STEIN ON WRITING, intending to read up on characterization and came across this:

"Some years ago I was involved in an informal study of the behavior of lunch-hour browsers in mid-Manhattan bookstores. In the fiction section, the most common pattern was for the browser to read the front flap of the book's jacket and then go to page one.  No browser went beyond page three before either taking the book to the cashier or putting the book down and picking up another to sample." -Sol Stein

And I thought about my behavior in a bookstore. That is *exactly* what I do. I know by the first two or three pages if I want to read that book or not. If I am so intrigued that I have to read that book.

What do you think? Does the inciting incident need to be in the first three pages? Or can it wait until page 12 or 20 or even page 30?  Let's chat!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Things That Make Me Happy

Here are just some things that I enjoy, that make me happy, and that I recommend to you for your own enjoyment. Mostly things from the week. This may become a recurring thing for Sundays, we'll see. Anyway, here are some wonderful things:

The Avett Brothers. Particularly the album 'I and Love and You' and the song of the same name.

The absolute attractiveness, manliness and all around yumminess of Christopher Plummer as Captain Von Trapp in 'The Sound of Music.' Also Julie Andrews in general, and how pure awesome she is. She is kind of the definition of awesome.

My brothers new little kitten, a long-haired grey little thing named Jasper.

My neighbors who just came over to ask if they could borrow our two biggest mixing bowls, and then brought them back two minutes later filled with popcorn.

Victorian novels. Little Dorrit and Hard Times by Charles Dickens. Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Middlemarch by George Elliot. Villette and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. This may also be a recurring theme.

The fact that this blogs visitation rate is higher than its ever been. Thank you all for that.

Anyway, hope these things bring you some joy too, even just vicariously. What are the happy things of your week? I would absolutely love to know.

Sarah Allen

What Sign Are Scorpio Males Into Yahoo

Sometimes the worst prison that we are our own paradigms. Our way of thinking, binds us and blinds us, so that we can see below. We are prisoners in our own cell, we jailer, torturer and prisoner.

Who has the keys to our cell or dynamite to fly this prison ourselves. But we dare not use them, because we are captives of our worst executioner ... The Fear.

Who got us here? What do I know? There are a thousand and one reasons ... A disappointment in love, infidelity, self-esteem misunderstood. An unhappy childhood, or otherwise paternal overprotection. A physical defect, economic poverty, ideology, or religion castrating ...

This is why we are not even allowed to peep through the bars outside. Over time we have become accustomed to the small size of our cell, to the extent that large spaces of hate.

And freedom is that, a large space. Perhaps happiness not out of those four walls, but if the opportunity is created. Because happiness has to be created, there is on order, but needs a major element, freedom.

already intuit the reason, now which is the dungeon?

a wrong relationship or difficult to end a relationship that survives for lack of a decision. A grim and hopeless life, afraid to use your free will and wrong.

Fear not, it will not pass anything that has no cure, you are entitled to happiness, and you have to build it yourself. In your life you can make it happy or unhappy, does not depend on anyone but yourself. That

dungeon remember, you can kill your body, but never your soul. Let me show you to be free and build your happiness. But to start changing the old paradigm, for this:

"Happiness does exist and I have a right to it."

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Christmas menu ideas

First, you must decide whether you need a traditional festival or modern. Of course, you can have a mixture of both to do, if you know your family and guests will love. Thus, there is something for everyone to enjoy, either directly from the deep-fried turkey barbecue or salad shrimp and festivals. Cold ham, delicious menu item is useful. It is very easy to prepare the day before the special glossy ginger, maple syrup or cranberry sauce. Glazed ham will wow factor, the most important thing is, you will not have any with it except as Christmas.

Traditional menu may look like this:
• roast turkey with stuffing and gravy
• glazed ham
• goose fat or duck fat roast potatoes
• roast pumpkin, or Pass Neptune
• cranberry sauce
• Christmas pudding and ice cream

A modern menu might look like this:

• Fried Shrimp
• Holiday Salad
• glazed ham
• Gourmet Cheese
• Tiramisu Pavlova or

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Even if you have a traditional dinner, your favorite dessert in exchange for lighter things, such as chocolate mousse, Pavlova, or tiramisu. All of these desserts are special enough to enjoy the big day.

Do not forget nibblies! Think of meat pies, spiced nuts, ginger biscuits, Christmas cake and homemade truffles.
If you want to give your guests a healthy choice, why not consider cooking fresh vegetables? The only problem, your guests a delicious festive food, lunch or dinner, is filled in advance they are not careful, it will not be able to do justice to your lovely food.

One way this happens is to stop the amount of snacks before restrictions. Then you will not feel that your guests are too full of all the hard work in the kitchen to appreciate! If you're lucky, you can give your guests the gift of wine. This can come in handy in case you do not wine, entertainment them! Sometimes it may be difficult to work out how much alcohol you need: Some people can drink more than others, and some guests limit ourselves to a glass of wine

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Some of these ideas can be applied to any political party boy or girl, some political parties combined.

With the sleigh-third birthday party the party is absolutely dependent on the weather, but if there is enough snow, it can be a great birthday party idea. Leslie is a lot of fun all thirteen-year-old boys and girls. With a sled, a snowman-building contest may have, or do the game of snow angels. For the children and parents can hot chocolate, cakes and ice cream, they went sledding.

Leased from the gym
Many towns have a local gymnastics gym. Some places you can rent a two-hour birthday party. These places can be a good idea of the 13-year-old birthday party. Padded trampoline, large foam shapes to create full of foam. Thirteen-year-old children can play here for hours of fun labels, jumping around and play equipment.

When the facility rental, they will usually come up with some of the children of workers when their equipment and play, to ensure that they maintain a safe watch. This may not be a bad idea, suggestion, or at least give parents in the audience to keep the party in the gym, if they wish.

The party's ideology, this is a good idea, a boy and a girl the only political party or a girl or a mere boy of 13-year-old birthday party. But it would be more fun for the children, if there are more children running around playing brands.

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Swimming is a good idea party 13th birthday party. This type of party can do this year. If it is too cold to swim outside, most cities in the shower during the winter. Kids fun swimming and playing in the water. Most 13-year-olds may be more like swimming, the party's children have their own sex, but this type of party can be a good idea for boys and girls birthday parties, children feel comfortable with it.

Although most children can swim their own fun, they and their friends, this is not a bad idea for parents () and some idea of the pool games, just in case when necessary. Games such as Marco Polo, water volleyball and a lot of fun. They bathe the children can come together after the pizza, cake and ice cream.

Another interesting idea and a simple 13-year-old birthday party will be an interesting restaurant. There are many restaurants, cool themes and decorations. It can be a fun way for children's birthday to tell their 13 birthday.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dr. Who/David Tennant/Catherine Tate Fans: Hilarious Video

Ok, so I know how dorky this is, but I love it. Can't take things too seriously on a Saturday anyway, right? So for those of you who know Dr. Who or David Tennent or the absolute comedic genius Catherine Tate, you'll get a kick out of this video:

Also, don't forget about Janet Reid's 100 word weekend competition, ending tonight at midnight. My entry is all submitted up, check it out if you're bored enough.

Happy writing!
Sarah Allen

Year A - Holy or Maundy Thursday (April 21,2011)

For children, Maundy Thursday is all about celebrating Holy Communion on the night Jesus invented it.  Just as the Nativity stories have special power on Christmas Eve, the Eucharist has added power on Maundy Thursday.  Just to be there participating in the sacrament on this night says that I am one of God’s people.  Because I eat at this table, I belong. 

Unfortunately, many congregations do not encourage children to attend this service.  The fact that it is on a school night makes it easy to decide that children will not be able to come and therefore to neither plan for their presence nor encourage them and their families to come.  After a few years of such expectations it takes more than one or two “children are welcome” notes to reverse the trend.  A clear invitation to families to join all God’s people to hear the stories of the most important days of the year and to celebrate the sacrament that was introduced on that night is needed.  It also helps to include children in some way in leadership.  Consider
   - asking a church school class to prepare the elements for
   - including children among the readers during the Tenebrae,
   - asking children’s choirs to sing, and
   - calling on families with children to serve as greeters and ushers.

Stories are important on this night.  The key story is the bread and cup of the Last supper.  But the story of washing the disciples feet, the failure of the church in Corinth to gather as a loving community to celebrate communion, and the Passover story are also part of the night.  And, though the Passion story belongs to Good Friday, all the stories told on Maundy Thursday look to the Good Friday stories.  In any given service only one or maybe two of the supporting stories can be involved.

The Last Supper is at the heart of the day.  Children imagine themselves in the room with the disciples eating with Jesus.  The Revised Common Lectionary sets John's gospel (with no bread or cup) as the gospel reading for the night.  For the sake of the children, you may want to read or tell one of the synoptic accounts in addition.  This year  read Matthew 26:17-20, 26-30Sitting around tables rather than in rows (whether you share a meal or not) also brings the story to life.   Using a loaf or matzo rather than wafer brings worshipers closer to the food of that first night
 Jesus Washes the Disciple’s Feet.  You can almost see all the disciples looking at their feet, knowing that someone needs to do the washing, thinking that if they don’t make eye contact with anyone maybe it won’t be them.  Then Jesus does it.  He washes the feet of the people who will desert him.  He even washes the feet of Judas who will turn him in and tell his enemies where to find him.  I think a case could be made that Jesus did this as either practice for what was coming on Friday, as a demonstration of what it means to love, or maybe both. 

Like everyone else in the room, he knew everyone’s feet needed to be washed.  Maybe he thought to himself, “OK, if I can wash their feet - even wash Judas’ feet - tonight, maybe I can believe that I can do what is coming tomorrow.”  This makes sense to most children.  When washing feet is compared to yucky jobs that must be done every day – taking out the garbage, cleaning the cat’s litter, turning the compost pile, cleaning the bathrooms, dealing with a diaper pail – it calls them to join Jesus in practicing love.  The first challenge is to do these jobs for people we love and who love us back.  As we do we imagine doing them for someone who mistreats us and we remember that Jesus washed Judas’ feet.

While surfing for pictures of foot washing, I came across photos of weddings at which the groom washes the bride’s feet during the ceremony.  I’m guessing (hoping!) the groom gets his feet washed too.  This is a new idea to me and I’m not espousing it.  But it is an interesting wedding ritual that points out the very non-romantic ways husbands and wives (and all family members!) are to love each other. 

After washing their feet Jesus gives the disciples and us a new rule, “Love one another as I have loved you.” How do we love one another?  We wash their feet and do whatever else is needed (even the yucky jobs) to take care of them.

After washing the feet and sending Judas away to do his deed, Jesus announced, “Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him.”  Or,
          “If you want to see the glory of God, watch me wash feet. 
            If you want to share in the glory of God, wash feet like I do.”
God’s glory is not seen in people walking on red carpets or standing on championship stands.  God’s glory is seen in people taking care of those around them – even washing their feet when needed.  This definition of God’s glory is a hard sell with children and worshippers of all ages.

Sidebar:  Peter was offended by Jesus’ offer to wash his feet.  Youth and adults today understand his feelings.  But, children are used to being tended in many personal ways.  So, Peter’s issue isn’t their issue - yet. 

Display a towel and a basin prominently throughout the service.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26 if taken in its context is the opposite of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.  The wealthier members of the church at Corinth came early with all their food to the church suppers.  They did not wait to eat until the poorer members got off their jobs and could come.  So, there was often nothing left for the poorer members when they arrived.  Paul calls them on their lack of loving care of people in need.

The Passover   Older children, especially those who have Jewish friends, are fascinated by the connection between Passover and the Last Supper.  But, before they can understand it, they have to hear the story of the Passover, know some of the details of the Seder, and know the details of Holy Communion.   Maundy Thursday worship is not the place to start into all three from scratch.  What you can do…

Invite the children forward for the reading of Exodus 12:14,11-14.  Then point out that God saved the Jews from slavery in Egypt.  Jesus and his disciples were remembering this story on the night of the last supper.  The very next day, Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin and death.  Note the similarity.  God saves us over and over again. 

Before Holy Week, invite a Jewish family to walk families of your congregation through a Seder.  They could just tell about it or present pictures of themselves celebrating it (maybe in a Powerpoint?)  Or, with their direction you could prepare a Seder meal to eat together with them leading the whole group through it.  Then, on Maundy Thursday seat worshipers around tables in the fellowship hall with communion elements on each table.  Read the Passover story and the story of the Last Supper before celebrating communion.

Exploring the Passover connection tends to lead adults to speak of Jesus as the Lamb of God.  Remember if you do that children think literally and are easily confused by metaphorical language.  For them the easiest way to understand Lamb of God is as a nickname for Jesus.  Actually, I’d save this term for other worship settings.

There are so many vivid stories vying for their attention in worship this night, that most children will miss Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 entirely.  That may be just fine.  Unpacking it enough for them to understand requires more than it is probably worth on Maundy Thursday.  So include it in the liturgy for the adults.

Tenebrae was originally celebrated on Good Friday, but many congregations, especially those who do not worship together on Good Friday, include it in Maundy Thursday worship following communion.  It is a candle lighting service in reverse.  Seven or eight candles are lighted in the beginning with each one snuffed out as a part of the Passion is read.  A deep toned hand bell may be sounded as each candle is snuffed.  Then after a moment of darkness, a single candle is relit to remind us of the coming resurrection and the congregation departs in silence.  Children deeply appreciate this ritual IF…
-          It is explained to them in advance
-          The readings are not too long and focus on storytelling. (This is not the place for John’s long soliloquies.)
-          Readers of all ages, including at least one older child, are involved.  (A child can often read the story of Jesus’ burial.)
Some congregations end this rite with a minute of silence followed by a single crash of a gong. Even when you know it is coming, the gong makes you jump.  Be sure the children know it is coming.  A note among the printed announcements is not enough warning!  Actually briefly explaining the Tenebrae and noting the crashing gong at the end makes good publicity drawing families to this service.

Songs for the evening:  “Let Us Break Bread Together” and “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” (especially verse 1, 2, and 4) are probably the simplest communion hymn for this night for children.  The Ghanian hymn “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love,” while it may not be as familiar to adults as it is to children, is a good choice for congregational singing or for a children’s choir to sing.

My book Sharing the Easter Faith with Children includes
-          a plan for a Maundy Thursday service  rehearsing the Last Supper story and celebrating communion around tables,
-          a child-friendly script for a Tenebrae and
-          a plan for a children’s Tenebrae with props as well as candles that could be a special service for families on either Maundy Thursday or Good Friday.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published in the United Kingdom by Bloomsbury Publishing, in the United States by Scholastic, in Canada by Raincoast Books, and in Australia and New Zealand by Allen & Unwin. Released globally in ninety-three countries, Deathly Hallowsbroke sales records as the fastest-selling book ever. It sold 15 million copies in the first twenty-four hours following its release, including more than 11 million in the U.S. and U.K. alone. The previous record, nine million in its first day, had been held by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The novel has also been translated into numerous languages, including Ukrainian, Swedish, and Hindi.
  • Reception to the book was generally positive and several awards were given to the novel, including the 2008 Colorado Blue Spruce Book Award, and being listed as a "Best Book for Young Adults" by the American Library AssociationA film based on the book is split into two parts, with each of the parts being released eight months apart: the first part was released in November 2010, and the second part is to be released in July 2011.
  • Throughout the six previous novels in the Harry Potter series, the main character, Harry Potter, has struggled with the inherent difficulties of adolescence along with being a famous wizard. When Harry was a baby, Lord Voldemort, a powerful evil wizard, murdered Harry's parents but mysteriously vanished after attempting to kill Harry. This results in Harry's immediate fame, and his being placed in the care of his Muggle, or non-magical, relatives Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon.
  • Harry re-enters the wizarding world at age 11, enrolling in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He makes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, makes an ally in the school's headmaster, Dumbledore and grows to respect and fear the talented misfit, his nemesis, schoolmaster Severus Snape. Presently Harry is confronted by Lord Voldemort, who is trying to regain physical incarnation. Returning to school after summer break, there are several attacks on students after the legendary "Chamber of Secrets" is thought to be opened. Harry ends the attacks by killing a Basilisk and defeating Lord Voldemort's "memory" stored in an enchanted diary. The following year, Harry hears that he has been targeted by escaped murderer Sirius Black. Despite stringent security measures at Hogwarts, Harry is confronted by Black at the end of his third year of schooling and Harry learns that Black was framed and is his godfather. Harry's fourth year of school sees him entered in a dangerous magical competition called the Triwizard Tournament. At the conclusion of the Tournament, Harry witnesses the return of Lord Voldemort to full strength. When the next school year begins, the Ministry of Magic appoints Dolores Umbridge as the new High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. After forming an underground student group in opposition to Umbridge, Harry and several of his friends face off against Voldemort's Death Eaters, a group of Dark witches and wizards, and narrowly defeat them. In Harry's sixth year of school, he learns that Voldemort has been using Horcruxes to become immortal. Horcruxes are fragments of the soul that are placed within an object so that when the body dies, a part of the soul remains and the person can be regenerated or resurrected. However, the destruction of the creator's body leaves the wizard or witch in a state of half-life, without corporeal form. When returning from a mission to discover a Horcrux, Professor Dumbledore, the Headmaster of the school and Harry's mentor, is murdered by Severus Snape, a teacher at the school with whom Harry is consistently at odds and who Harry has suspected of being a Death Eater. At the conclusion of the book, Harry pledges not to return to school the following year and to search for Horcruxes instead.
  • Following Dumbledore's death, Voldemort has completed his ascension to power and gains control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to hunt and destroy Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. They isolate themselves to ensure their friends and families' safety. They have little knowledge about the remaining Horcruxes except the possibility that two are objects once belonging to Hogwarts founders Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff, and the third may be Nagini, Voldemort's snake familiar. The whereabouts of the two founders' objects is unknown, and Nagini is presumed to be with Voldemort. As they search for the Horcruxes, the trio learn details about Dumbledore's past, as well as Snape's true motives.
  • The trio recover the first Horcrux, Salazar Slytherin's locket, by infiltrating the Ministry of Magic. They then find Sword of Godric Gryffindor, among the few objects able to destroy Horcruxes (having absorbed Basilisk venom), and they use it to destroy the locket. The trio continually encounter a strange symbol, which an eccentric wizard named Xenophilius Lovegood (father of Luna) tells them represents the mythical Deathly Hallows. The Hallows are revealed to be three sacred objects: the Resurrection Stone, a stone with the power to summon the dead to the living world; the Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand; and an infallible Invisibility Cloak. Harry learns that Voldemort is seeking the Elder Wand, but is unaware of the Hallows and their significance. The trio determine that finding Voldemort's Horcruxes is more important than procuring the Hallows. They break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at the Wizarding Bank Gringotts to recover another Horcrux, Helga Hufflepuff's cup. Harry learns that another Horcrux is hidden in Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the school and find the Horcrux, the Diadem of Ravenclaw, and also successfully destroy the cup and the diadem.
  • The book culminates in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, their many allies, and various magical creatures, defend Hogwarts from Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Several major characters are killed in the first wave of the battle. Harry discovers whilst viewing the memories of Severus Snape that Voldemort inadvertently made Harry a Horcrux when he attacked him as a baby and that Harry must die to destroy Voldemort. These memories also confirmed Snape's unwavering loyalty to Dumbledore and his role as spy in Voldemort's camp. Harry surrenders himself to Voldemort, who casts the Killing Curse at him, sending Harry to Limbo-like state between life and death. There, Harry sees Voldemort's destroyed soul shard, then meets Dumbledore who explains that when Voldemort used Harry's blood to regain his full strength, it protected Harry from Voldemort harming him; the Horcrux inside Harry has been destroyed, and Harry can return to his body despite being hit by the Killing Curse. Harry returns, the battle resumes, and after the last remaining Horcrux (Nagini) is destroyed, Voldemort is defeated.
  • The novel, the last in the series, closes with a brief epilogue set nineteen years later, in which Harry and Ginny Weasley are a married couple with three children: James SiriusAlbus Severus, and Lily LunaRon and Hermione married and have two children, Rose and Hugo. The families meet at King's Cross station, where a nervous Albus is departing for his first year at Hogwarts. Harry's godson, Teddy Lupin, is found kissing Bill and Fleur Weasley's daughter Victoire in a train carriage. Harry sees Draco Malfoy and his wife (revealed on Rowling's website behind the door as Astoria Greengrass) with their son, Scorpius. Neville Longbottom is now the Hogwarts Herbology professor and remains friends with the two families. Harry comforts Albus, who is worried he will be sorted into Slytherin, and tells his son that one of his two namesakes, Severus Snape, was a Slytherin and the bravest man he had ever met. He adds that the Sorting Hat takes one's choice into account, like it did for Harry. The book ends with these final words: "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."
  • In an interview, online chat, the Wizard of the Month section of her website, and during her 2007 U.S. Open Book Tour, Rowling revealed additional character information that she chose not to include in the book. The first bits of information were about the trio and their families, starting with Harry.
    Rowling stated that Harry became an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and was later appointed head of the department. He also kept Sirius Black's motorcycle, which Arthur Weasleyrepaired for him, but he can no longer speak Parseltongue after the destruction of Voldemort's soul fragment within him. She revealed that Ginny Weasley played for the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team for a time, leaving to establish a family with Harry. She later became the lead Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet. Ron Weasley worked at George's store for a time, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, then joined Harry as an Auror. Hermione found her parents in Australia, and removed the memory modification charm she had put on them for safety. Initially, she worked for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, greatly improving life for house elves. She later moved to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and assisted in eradicating oppressive, pro-pureblood laws. She was also the only member of the trio to go back and complete her seventh year at Hogwarts. Rowling also said that Dumbledore's relationship with Gellert Grindelwald extended beyond mere friendship, that "Dumbledore is gay, actually", and harboured romantic feelings for Grindelwald. Voldemort, she said, was forced to exist in the stunted form Harry witnessed in the King's Cross limbo after his death, as his crimes were too severe for him to become a ghost.
    Rowling also explained the fates of several secondary characters. George Weasley continued his successful joke shop and married fellow Quidditch player Angelina Johnson. The couple had two children: a son named Fred, in memory of his late twin brother, and a daughter, Roxanne. Luna Lovegood searched the world for odd and unique creatures, eventually marrying Rolf, a grandson of the famed naturalist Newt Scamander, writer of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. The couple had twins called Lorcan and Lysander. Her father's publication, The Quibbler, returned to its usual condition of "advanced lunacy" and is "appreciated for its unintentional humour."
    Other character histories revealed by Rowling included that of Draco Malfoy, who married Astoria Greengrass and had a son named Scorpius. Percy Weasley married a woman named Audrey and had two daughters, named Molly and Lucy. Firenze was welcomed back into his herd, who finally acknowledged the virtue of his pro-human leanings. Dolores Umbridge was arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned for crimes against Muggle-borns. Cho Chang went on to marry a Muggle. Neville Longbottom became professor of Herbology at Hogwarts and married Hannah Abbott, who became the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. Bill and Fleur Weasley had a total of three children, a younger son named Louis, and two daughters, named Dominique and Victoire.
    In the wider wizarding world other changes included: Kingsley Shacklebolt became the permanent Minister of Magic, with Percy Weasley working under him as a high official. Among the reforms introduced by Shacklebolt, was the removal of Dementors from the wizard prison Azkaban. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also instrumental in reforming the Ministry. At Hogwarts, Slytherin House became more diluted and no longer held the title as the pure-blood bastion it once was, although its dark reputation lingered. Voldemort's jinx on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position was broken with his death, and there was a permanent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher appointed. Harry also is said to come to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to lecture several times a year. Lastly, Rowling revealed that a portrait of Severus Snape, who briefly served as Hogwarts Headmaster, had not appeared in the headmaster's office, as he had abandoned his post. Harry later ensured the addition of Snape's portrait, and publicly revealed Snape's true allegiance to Dumbledore.