Monday, November 8, 2010

The Bloghound

Happy Monday Everybody!  It has come to my attention that I have not introduced the Bloghound to the Universe - so without further delay - here she is - our very clever, extremely tennis-ball-obsessed little cock-a-poo Molly. She is at her very happiest outside chasing a tennis ball. She's not even interested in food or treats if someone will throw the ball for her.

Molly is five years old and is the nicest little dog.  Her hair grows like a cocker's so we have to take her to the doggie beauty parlor to get her hair done.  Here's a before:

and here's an after:
I didn't even recognize her the first time she came out of the groomer's. I thought why are they giving me this poodle?!  And when her hair is short she prances when she walks!

Anyway, there you have it - the official bloghound.  She sleeps under my desk while I work or next to me on the couch with my laptop.She is a wonderful part of the family.

What about you?  What kind of pets do you have?

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