Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter!

This is one of my favorite images from the Harry Potter movies - at the very end of The Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry gets the Firebolt from Sirius. (Can you see Hogwarts below Harry's knee?) How I would *love* to be on that broom flying at supersonic speed!
In anticipation of the release of The Deathly Hallows, part 1, daughter and I have been re-watching all the Harry Potter movies in order this last week. (We're watching Order of the Phoenix as I'm typing this... ;-) I've also been instructed (by daughter) to re-read all the books, which I am doing with great joy and anticipation of reading all seven books in a row without having to wait a year in between books. Although we loved talking about what might happen next during those long years in between books. I've only read the series once. She's read the entire series three or four times.

Harry Potter was actually the inspiration for me to start writing young adult novels and Harry Potter was also the story that turned my daughter into a voracious reader. I have a darling picture of her as Hermione one Halloween but she won't let me post it. Rats.
Harry, Ron and Hermione feel like family and it's been wonderful to watch them grow up over the last ten years. It will be very sad when the last movie ends.

Of the books, Deathly Hallows was my favorite.  It was a wonderful conclusion to a sweeping story and I felt that all my questions were answered.
I especially loved the epilogue that gave us a glimpse into the future that we all knew would occur but wanted confirmation.

Thank you JK Rowling for giving us Harry Potter and so much more.
and Yay for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, part 1!  We're watching the Imax version and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me - are you going to the movie? And which of the Harry Potter series is your favorite book?

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