Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Riding the Rollercoaster of Believing in Yourself

I think we all go through it: The exhilaration of writing our first novel / signing with an agent / getting a book deal / losing those last five freakin' pounds / winning a race / finding that perfect note / accomplishing something - anything - that makes us proud of ourselves. That makes us think we can do ANYTHING. There's no better feeling.

Inevitably, the euphoria ebbs away and we are left with our normal reality.The deal is done, the tour is over, the race is forgotten. Now we have to tackle the next big thing. Or figure out what it is.

Sort of like a rollercoaster.

Up and Down. Round and Round. Euphoria and Depression. Excitement and Despair. Belief and Doubt. Maybe it's just human nature - the human condition, as it were. The ups and downs of life.  I'm pretty lucky in that I was born on the sunny side of the street -  give me some good music and I can pretty much work my way through anything. When it's dark and cloudy and I'm doubting my abilities I try to remind myself and my daughter to have an attitude of gratitude. I know, it sounds corny, but it's so true.

Other times all it takes is a couple sentences that can give me a fresh perspective.  I subscribe to a daily message from 'The Universe'.  When I first heard about this from a friend, I sort of rolled my eyes because that kind of stuff is not really my deal, but these comments have a way of resonating and they also usually have some funny little twist so now it's always the first email I open.

Here's one I got the other day that was especially timely:

Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done, Kiki, because both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been.
Be the ball,
    The Universe

Sometimes, that's all it takes.  A few words, a good song, an unexpected smile from a stranger. An attitude of gratitude. The love you give is the love you receive. Pass it on and it will find its way back to you.  So I say when you're riding the rollercoaster of self-doubt - turn your face into the wind and enjoy the ride because what goes down on a rollercoaster will eventually go up again.

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