Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

It's Thanksgiving here in the States and at our house we go the traditional route.  The turkey is in the oven as I type this. The house smells *wonderful*.  I made extra stuffing because that's everybody's favorite part of the dinner and the wine is chilling. We've got a beautiful layer of white snow covering the ground and it couldn't be a better day to celebrate.

We'll be going head to head on the Wii later and playing Mah Jonng and Scrabble. It's every man for himself in my family when it comes to games. :-)   And of course, we'll have to check in on the football scores.

I'm lucky in that much of my family lives close and we get to celebrate together.  Though the last year has been tough for a lot of us, at the end of the day we have so many things to be thankful for.  It's a day like today, surrounded with family and friends that I count my blessings and know what's truly important in life.

I wish you the best and hope you have a special day today - wherever you are - and hope you get a chance to celebrate and give thanks too.


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