Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Big Lebowski

37 Reasons Why I Love The Big Lebowski:

1) Jeff Bridges with the best performance of his life in the best role he's ever been given
2) The expression (almost the only expression) Buscemi's Donny wears the entire movie
3) "Hell, I can get you a toe by three o'clock this afternoon. . .with nail polish."
4) Philip Hoffman's fake giggle and even faker serious expression when the Dude reads the ransom note
5) Watching the Donny and Walter eat burgers in a windshieldless car
6) Autobahn, a Kraftwerk reference. . .and Whipped Cream and Other Delights being the very next album in Maude's record collection
7) The perverse sketch on Treehorn's notepad
8) The intimidating purple hip thrust of Jesus
9) The intimidating pink tongue of Jesus
10) The coolest use of Kenny Rogers in the history of Kenny Rogers
11) Vocabulary lesson--micturate, verb
12) From the "You learn something new every day" files: Nihilist enjoy pigs in the blanket.
13) "He's got health problems."
14) The fact that a buddy at school comes into my room at least twice a week to quote the movie
15) A seventy-something cent check
16) The landlord's shadow dance
17) I also hate the fucking Eagles
18) It's got a marmot in it
19) Sam Elliot can read my death sentence, and I'd probably enjoy hearing it
20) David Thewlis's cameo as the video artist Knox Harrington
21) Topless women on trampolines
22) Townes singing "Dead Flowers" over the final scene
23) This was the follow-up to the critically-acclaimed Fargo
24) "Fucking dipshit with a nine-toed woman!"
25) All the music in the film is diegetic
26) Bridges says "man" one hundred and forty-seven times in the movie
27) The nihilist has a freakin' cricket bat
28) It's absurdist neo-noir. What's not to love?
29) Walter is never wrong in the movie although he often sounds like there's no way he can possibly be right
30) Julianne Moore's ridiculous accent
31) The Dude's choice in shampoo
32) It's one of the most accurate depictions of Vikings in film history
33) The way the cop says "fragrance"
34) The stylized but extremely goofy dream sequences
35) It's the best comedy ever made about bowling
36) The ultimate Coen brothers movie. Nobody else could make it.
37) "I am the walrus."

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