Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who I Write Like

Have you seen those sites that will analyze your writing and tell you who you write like?  I don't usually bother with things like that but I'm on vacation so I decided to post a page from THE FAERIE RING, and try one for fun.

Well, I was surprised and pleased by the answer so I decided to post my results:

I write like
Cory Doctorow
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

 Cory Doctorow?  Wow!  I'll take that result any day! The funny thing is - Cory is published by the same house I am - Tor Books. I'm not sure that means anything special but still - I like it!

So, out of curiosity, because clearly these are not scientific results, I posted a page from my current WIP.  My results for that one:

I write like
Stephen King
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Right then.

Obviously the program must look at a number of elements to make the "analysis". So FYI - THE FAERIE RING is an urban fantasy written in a 3rd past POV.  Conversely, my current WIP, PULSE, is a contemporary sort-of paranormal written in 1st person.

Feeling a little more doubtful about the results now but it's all good fun.

Want to try it yourself and see who you write like?  Go here and then come back and tell me your results!!

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