Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Surfing into a New Year - Yay!

I always love turning the page on a new year and feeling like you've got a fresh start on all those things you want to do! This year I'm going to be better about blogging. And facebooking. And twittering. And all those social networking things that are fun but are also such a huge time suck that I do them for a while and then stop because I've got a million other things to do.

For those who are curious in the *ahem* crowd I am expecting line edits on THE FAERIE RING any day now and can't wait to dig in! Once I get those wrapped up, I will do a quick revision on the sequel, DARK SHADOWS, and be ready to send that to my editor to read and hopefully buy!

I've also completed revisions on another novel, THE GETHEAS STONE, that is ready to go out on submission in the publishing world and I'm excited to get it out there.

Right now, I'm working on a re-write (yes, re-WRITE, not REVISE - rats!) of a YA contemporary novel with paranormal aspects entitled PULSE, which is going pretty good. I hope to have it complete and ready to go to market by April 1. Which means, I better to get work writing.

What are you working on and what are your plans for this shiny new year??

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