Wednesday, January 13, 2010


k harry potter´s me out on this things,as in all the movies there are mistakes,lets refresh since harry potter book 1 till the others,we have found a few mistakes,lets go!!!!

  • In Book 1, on page 27 (American paperback), it mentions that the snake in the zoo winked at Harry. Harry can't be blamed for being so surprised, as snakes don't have movable eyelids.
  • When Hagrid comes and gets Harry out of the little hut on the rock, they use the boat that the Dursleys used to get to the rock. So how do the Dursleys get off the rock?
  • On Harry's equipment list in the letter from Hogwarts, "1 wand" is listed twice. This was corrected quickly and only appears in the earlier versions.
  • Harry's letter from Hogwarts says he may bring a cat, an owl, or a toad, but Ron brings his rat, Scabbers.
  • Arguable: When Hagrid brought Harry to Diagon Alley for the first time, Harry heard a woman say "Seventeen sickles an ounce for Dragon Liver. They're mad." But Hagrid told Harry that there were seventeen sickles in a galleon. So that would be like saying "100 pennies" instead of a dollar. Think of it this way: if the Dragon Liver weighed three pounds, a galleon (or for our purposes, a dollar) per ounce is quite a lot of money.
  • Harry buys the book One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, but later in the book it says Harry looked up 'dittany' in One Hundred Magical Herbs and Fungi.
  • In Chapter 7, page 122, it says that Harry looked up at the Sorting Stool, there were only three people left to be sorted, Professor McGonagall calls the names of four more people instead.
  • On page 123, in the chapter "The Sorting Hat," Nearly Headless Nick says that he hasn't eaten in "nearly four hundred years"; but in the second book, Harry goes to Nick's 500th Deathday Party, meaning that Nearly Headless Nick has been dead for 500 years, not 400.
  • On the fourth paragraph of page 133, it says that Hermione lent Harry Quidditch Through the Ages: "She had also lent him Quidditch Through the Ages, which turned out to be a very interesting read." On page 46, paragraph three of QTTA, it says "The most successful Japanese team, The Toyohashi Tengu, narrowly missed a win over Lithuania's Gorodok gargoyles in 1994." However, Harry borrows QTTA in Book 1, which is set in 1991.

  • On page 153 of the hard-cover US version of Sorcerer's Stone, Fred says: "We haven't won [the Quidditch Cup] since Charlie left..." However, according to JKR, Charlie is three years older than Percy (who is in his 5th year at the time), so Charlie should still have been in Hogwarts the year before. This makes Fred's statement "We haven't won since last year!"

  • On page 236 of the US hardback version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it reads: "Wednesday night found Hermione and Harry sitting alone in the common room... The clock on the wall had just chimed midnight when the portrait hole burst open. Ron appeared..." But on page 133, it says: "They had to study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight..." So are they cutting class to discuss Norbert?

  • On pages 274-275 of the hardback American edition of Sorcerer's Stone, the trio, who are coming from Gryffindor Tower, go up two flights of stairs to get to the third floor. Gryffindor Tower is on the 7th floor, so they should have gone down, not up.

  • At the beginning of the chess match, Ron is the knight in the giant chess set. However, it later says that he had to 'move ahead one' so the Queen could take him, opening the path for Harry to checkmate the king. If he was a knight, he could only move 1) ahead one, sideways two, or 2) ahead two, sideways one, like an "L."
  • On pages 297 and 302 in the paperback version of Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore said that he and Hermione's owl crossed in mid-air. However, on page 302, Hermione said that they ran into Dumbledore on the way to the Owlery to send him the owl.

  • On page 205 of the UK SS, Ron says, "Well Harry, you take the place of that bishop, and Hermione, you go next to him instead of that castle." But the castle is next to the knight, not the bishop.

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