Monday, January 11, 2010

Miscellaneous Monday

One of the deterrents to me blogging on a more regular basis is trying to figure out what to write about so, since I'm committed to blogging more often this year it's going to be a smorgasbord of topics. Bear with me....

The above picture is of the Suzallo Library on the University of Washington campus here in Seattle, which is where my current WIP, a YA contemporary entitled PULSE, is set. (I put my steampunk novel, ENIGMA on hold while I re-write this one - in case you're keeping track.) Isn't this a fantastic building? Finished in 1926 the architectural design is called Collegiate Gothic, inspired by some of the cathedrals of learning on the campuses of Oxford and Cambridge. It is as awe-inspiring in person too.

Random stuff - there's a great discussion over at The Enchanted Inkpot about morally ambiguous characters that you might want to check out.

Also, my superstar agent, Kate Schafer Testerman, of ktliterary posted some stats for 2009 on her blog last week that are pretty impressive for a gal who just hung her shingle out in 2008. It also gives some perspective to the depth of writing talent out there when only 2% of queries result in requested partials. It makes me grateful all over again that I'm lucky enough to work with her.

And finally, a writing friend of mine, Supriya Savkoor, just launched a new group writer's blog with several other writers with the tantalizing name of Wicked Writers and she tells her story of how she became a writer and where she's at in the process. Go check it out!

A couple more shots of Suzallo from the outside to close out. Fantastic, yes?

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