Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Book 4 Mistakes

  • On page 23 of the American version of Goblet of Fire, when Harry is writing to Sirius about the pain in his scar, it says he was "marveling at the fact that he hadn't thought of Sirius straight away. But then, perhaps it wasn't so surprising -- after all, he had only found out that Sirius was his godfather two months ago." Harry actually found out Sirius was his godfather about eight months before, on that day in the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade.

  • On the bottom of page 148 in the US edition, it states that Ron, Harry, and Hermione had entered Ron's room, which is here called the "attic room." However, on page 154, it states at the bottom that one of the sounds that could be heard from Ron's room was the ghoul "in the attic." How, then, could Ron's room be considered the attic room, when there is a ghoul living above that room in "the attic"?

  • On page 232 of GOF it reads, "Moody had insisted on putting Harry through his paces four times in a row, until Harry could throw off the curse entirely," referring to the Imperius Curse. However, on page 661 it says, "And Harry felt, for the third time in his life, the sensation that his mind had been wiped of all thought..." Wouldn't that be the fifth time instead of the third? Possible Explanation: The first time Harry's mind was wiped clean was at the Quidditch World Cup and the times that Moody tested the Imperius Curse on Harry count as one time. Therefore, when Voldemort placed the curse on Harry, it was the third time he experienced the sensation that his mind had been wiped of all thought.

  • In Chapter 26 of GOF, page 505, Krum tells Hermione that she has a beetle in her hair, "but Hermione brushed away the beetle impatiently." In Chapter 37 on the train after she had captured Rita Skeeter, Hermione says, "and Viktor pulled a beetle out of my hair..." Hermione says Viktor pulled the beetle out, yet the book says that she brushed it away.

  • In Chapter 35 ("Veritaserum") of Goblet of Fire, there is an error on page 594. Dumbledore asks, "How did your father subdue you?" The book then states, "'The Imperius curse,' Moody said." Yet the Polyjuice Potion has already worn off, and Barty Crouch Junior is speaking.
  • On page 617 of the US edition of GOF, Mrs. Weasley "reminisced at length about" Ogg, the gamekeeper before Hagrid. Hagrid was given the position right after he was expelled in his third year. Since this was over fifty years ago, Mrs. Weasley wouldn't remember another gamekeeper.

  • On page 705 in the US paperback edition, Fudge says, "You are prepared to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, on the word of a lunatic murderer, and a boy who...well..." Shouldn't he have said "You-Know-Who" or "He Who Must Not Be Named" like he usually does?

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