Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Amazing Transparent Man

1960 invisible man movie

Rating: 6/20

Plot: A crazy ex-military guy helps Joey Faust, a career criminal, bust out of prison. With the help of a scientistnapped Dr. Ulof, he invents a way to use radiation to turn men transparent. Or, as most people would call it, invisible. Faust is sent out to steal more uranium so that an army of invisible men can be created. But Faust has other plans!

Faust is played by Douglas Kennedy who was in the incredible The Alligator People. He also played a cop in Invaders from Mars. Here, he is like a low-budget Bogart. His over-the-top gangsta performance entertains. The plot's dopey, and the special effects, or more accurately the complete lack of effects, make things dopier. Well, let me take that back. There are effects. A bag of money suspends in mid-air at one point. That, I suppose, puts the amazing in the film's title. The funniest parts of this movie occur whenever the invisible (excuse me. . .transparent) guy engaged in invisible fisticuffs, another nifty special-ed effect involving the visible participant sort of flailing around awkwardly. This is very clearly one of those movies that was outlined in forty-five minutes and written and shot (simultaneously) in about four days, but it's just "good bad" enough to be worth the the effort.

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