Sunday, October 18, 2009

We're Here

We made it! Our flights were so smooth and on-time, it really was quite pleasant getting here, even though it took about 20 hours from the time we got up (at 2 am) to arriving in London at 6:30 am the next day. The one little glitch was that our hotel room wasn't going to be ready until 2:00 pm....that was when the lack of sleep kicked in! Luckily, they got us into our room early (sleeping in the hotel lobby had nothing to do with it, I'm sure...heh heh) and after a short 5 hour nap we were as good as new and off for adventure!

We went on walk-about and we're just down the street from the The Museum of Natural History (what a building! The gargoyles....) and the V&A and Harrod's. We had dinner in a lovely little cafe on Cromwell Rd and it turns out hookah-smoking is all the rage here - which, of course, immediately makes me think of Alice in Wonderland, (so sophisticated, I know).

This city feels very familiar already - what a fabulous melting pot of people and fashion and history! Can't wait for tomorrow!

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