Thursday, October 22, 2009

On Kings, Druids and Harry Potter

Guess where we went today?

Yes, that picture of Stonehenge was taken by yours truly. Today. We stood on a hillside in the English countryside and walked around these stones, believed to date back to between 2500 and 3000 BC, although, scientists have found nearby postholes that date back to 8000 BC. While the site's purpose remains a mystery, it is confirmed that it has been a burial place for the dead as well as a place of pilgramage for druids. Also, as most know, the stones are astronomically aligned with the summer solsitice as well as other dates. Anyway, it was amazing and surreal to be standing there, in a place that is so iconic and filled with history.

Speaking of history....we also went to Windsor Castle too.

I can tell you this, if you ever come to London - you should come to both of these places. Unbelieveable. This picture is only one small fraction of the castle. It is the perfect English castle, complete with moat, that has been turned into gardens now. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside but the rooms are almost beyond description. So fantastically ornate! Such breath-taking history! The castle was built by William the Conqueror in 1066 and has been inhabited continuously by British royalty for almost 1,000 years. The Queen lives here on weekends and will be entertaining a state visit from India in these very rooms next week. We walked over the grave of Henry the VIII (he's buried in the floor of St. George's Chapel, along with numerous other Kings and Queens)with his favorite 3rd wife - Jane Seymour. He reigned from 1509 to 1547. There was a throne from one of the kings that dated to 1350. Anyway - not enough superlatives to do this place justice. Here's a shot of me and Carly making friends with the natives:

And a partial shot of St. George's Chapel: (You can't even imagine what the interior of this chapel looks like....if you haven't been here, you must come visit!)

Then finally, here's a shot of the Museum of Natural History that I mentioned in my last post. This building is so amazing! When you stand inside this grand room it feels like you've been dropped into a Harry Potter book. What you don't see is the exquisite, breath-taking detail. EVERYWHERE you look there is an animal or a plant carved from stone: birds and monkeys and beasts....

The English influences for Harry Potter are all over when you're here, from the English school girls in their skirts and knee high socks and V-neck sweaters with ties underneath, just like Hermione, to the platforms on the underground and does this not look like Gringott's Bank? (albeit a little staighter and we didn't see any goblins...)

We also went to Bath, which is a natural hot springs where the Romans built a public bath in 57 AD. Think about that date for a minute. Wow. But I'm going to save that one for another day. Did I mention I love London? =)

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