Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Five

Yay for Fridays and feeling like maybe I'm getting over my jet lag! Here are my five things for Friday - what are yours?

1. Just joined a group of authors who all have their debut novels coming out in 2011. I'm so excited to get to know these other writers (several of us have the same agent and others I already know from other writing sites and groups) and share the journey to publication together. As we get closer to our release dates we will have more information on our blog about our books, the stories behind the story, as well as contests and giveaways. Check it out here.

2. Though it seems a little early it's starting to feel like Christmas to me. When my ipod shuffle lands on a Christmas song I start singing along instead of fast-forwarding. I guess all that programming that the retail stores do is starting to sink in. Anyway, I feel the urge to bake and shop. What about you?

3. NaNoWriMo starts Sunday which I'm excited to try for the first time this year. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and the goal is to write 50k words of a novel during the 30 days of November. You register on the NaNo site and log in the number of words you write each day. Lots and lots of people do it and you can buddy up with people you know and encourage each other in your writing. So it sounds pretty fun, (as long as I actually find some time to write and I can keep my plot going). I'm going to write the third book of THE FAERIE RING which is tentatively called THE UNNAMED as a working title. Wish me luck!

4. We're plotting up a great contest and giveaway over at The Enchanted Inkpot which will occur in November and December. But before we give out details on that you should check out some of the great interviews, one of which is with Janice Hardy whose debut novel THE SHIFTER just came out.

5. And finally, saving the best for last, I'm (hopefully) expecting to receive my editorial revision letter for THE FAERIE RING today. I know it may fall into next week, but I'm so excited to dig in and make the story all sparkly and good and to see what my fabulous editor, Susan Chang, has to say. It will be especially fun to re-read TFR since visting the sites in the book in person and being able to even more clearly visualize my setting.

Have a great Friday and a fun Halloween weekend!

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