Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Fun: The Faerie Ring Button Giveaway AND Name This Book!

Good Morning! My email started with a very nice note from Yesenia who said: Is it Button Day?
It's the first Friday of the month so guess what that means? 
Yes! It's Button Giveaway day!!
The first fifteen (15) people who comment will get THE FAERIE RING buttons.  Be sure to email me your shipping address!

ALSO- it is not just the first Friday of the month, it is July 1st, which is my Mom and Dad's 61st Wedding Anniversary! WOW!  Happy Anniversary Doby and Gramps! Love you Guys!!!!

AND since it's Friday and I love Fridays - let's have fun and play another round of:

Name This Book!

The following lines are the first sentence in a chapter from five Young Adult novels.  See if you can correctly name the novel.

The first THREE people to correctly name all five books will get a  FAERIE RING button.  Anybody else who gets it right will get bookmarks.

Ready?  Here we go:

1.  The patisserie has thick planks of creaky hardwood and a chandelier draped with tinkly strings of topaz crystals.

2. Visiting Day.

3.  Just two more to go. Don't give up on me now.

4.  In my dream I am falling forever through darkness.

5.  I could think of a lot of things I'd rather have been doing than standing in a twenty-person line outside Island Queen - Isla Huesos's down-market version of Dairy Queen - in the burning hot late afternoon sun.

Good luck!

and Have a GREAT holiday weekend!!


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