Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Interview, 2011 Covers and my WIP: Pulse

I had the privilege of interviewing the funny and fabulous Rachel Hawkins, author of the YA fantasy HEX HALL, over on THE ENCHANTED INKPOT today.  Go check it out (after you read and comment on the rest of this post - of course!)

I also have a few more covers to share from my fellow 2011 debut authors.  Look and Love!

 Across The Universe - Beth Revis

Between Shades of Grey - Ruta Septys

Dogsled Dreams - Terry Lynn Johnson

It is the first day of school in many areas here in Western Washington and I am excited to be back in my office on a regular schedule today.  My current WIP is a YA contemporary entitled PULSE. I'm planning to finish up a final revision in the next week or two before I send it off to my crit partners to read.

Now that school has started - what are YOU working on??

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