Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I am the first to admit that I'm not the best at self-promotion, but it is part of the process of bringing a book to publication. And nowadays, publishing houses have limited budgets and personnel, so more and more of the responsibility falls to the author.  So, forgive me for shameless self-promotion - but I'VE GOT NEWS!!!

As you know, my debut novel, THE FAERIE RING, is in the production queue, as they say.  We've finished line edits and I'm now waiting for copy-edits.  In between these steps, my editor, Susan Chang, has had the manuscript bound into book form and we have sent it out to selected authors and bloggers to read and comment on, if they choose.

As an author, it's sort of a weird place to be - it's SO exciting to finally be sending your book out into the world, (even if it is in small quantities) but then the waiting-with-heart-pounding-to-see-what-judgement-is-handed-down can be a little nerve-wracking.  HOWEVER, so far - the reviews have been GOOD.  If I may be so bold as to share - enjoy (as I have - repeatedly :-)  these comments that have come back from readers. (And a heartfelt thanks to those who read and shared their thoughts!)

"A delicious blend of urban fantasy, heart-stopping suspense and sizzling romance - THE FAERIE RING rocks! Pulsing with excitement this high-stakes adventure catapults you through the gritty slums of Victorian London, the glittering balls of the Royal Palace, and the menacing Otherworld, in a thrilling tale where no one and nothing is what it seems. Deception, twists, diabolical faeries, a gutsy heroine and a sexy love interest all woven into a spectacular wild ride. You'll devour every page - compelled to finish but never wanting it to end!" -Alyssa Kirk, Teens Read and Write 

"If you’re interested in historical fiction, urban fantasy, faerie stories, strong female protagonists, and impeccable world building, read this book. If you’re not? Read it anyway, and find out why you should be!" -Candace Cunard, Teens Read Too

I stayed up until 2 am devouring THE FAERIE RING - it was fantastic! Deeply imaginative and creative I was instantly absorbed into Tiki's mysterious world."  -Ashley Simmons, Books Obsession

"This thrilling and otherworldly tale is full of suspense, danger, and magic.  Kiki Hamilton has crafted a magical and exciting debut with a rich narrative.  Set during the winter of 1871 in London, Hamilton beautifully captures that time.  Ms. Hamilton’s London is grim, unforgiving, yet romantic.  This is an engrossing and gut-wrenching story of loss, hardship, family and survival.  The plot is filled with treachery, magic and deadly faeries.  Imaginative, atmospheric, and clever, this one is definitely not to be missed." -Angela Leonard,  Dark Faerie Tales

"An exciting and mysterious debut, The Faerie Ring combines three of my favorite things: faeries, romance, and history. I can't recommend it enough!" -Kelsey Jones, The Book Scout

"A book filled with a combination of Dickensesque charm and faerie lore, The Faerie Ring will take you on an adventure of extraordinary proportions." –Kristen Harvey, Bookworming in the 21st Century

THANK YOU all so much!!

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