Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I'm Reading - Num8ers by Rachel Ward

Here's a great YA book for anyone looking for a compelling read:  NUM8ERS by Rachel Ward

I picked this up yesterday and started reading about 4pm.  After the family had to fend for themselves for dinner because I was...otherwise detained.....I finished about midnight.  I'll confess - it's a rare book anymore that will keep me reading in one session until I finish.  Here's the blurb from Booklist: 

"Fifteen-year-old Jem Marsh has always had an unwelcome gift: when she looks into a person’s eyes, she sees the date of their death. A foster-home child since her drug-addicted mother’s overdose, Jem’s knowledge and experience isolate her from her peers. She surprises herself by building a relationship with another misfit, the tall, geeky Spider. Their interracial romance (Jem is white, Spider is black) leads to a day trip to London, which ends disastrously when Jem realizes that all the tourists at the London Eye Ferris wheel have the same death date: that day. Ward’s first novel is a fast-paced thriller with deep philosophical roots and tremendous empathy for those who don’t fit the mold, not to mention a jaw-dropping ending that stands alone beautifully while whetting readers’ appetites for the sequel. Clear, straightforward prose is the perfect voice for prickly Jem, and Ward’s complex, intriguing characterizations challenge the reader to look beyond appearances. The British setting and tone will intrigue, not deter, U.S. readers. A fascinating premise, creatively explored."

I found the characters engaging and the plot compelling, keeping me turning the pages to find out what happens.  Because I love England, I especially enjoyed the setting details and the authentic British voice of the characters.  I highly recommend this book.

What about you?  What are you reading?  What YA books do you recommend?  I'd love to hear!

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