Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Progress! I'm halfway...

As I mentioned last month, on December 7th I started writing DARK SHADOWS, the sequel to THE FAERIE RING, which is currently out on submission. My goal was to have the first draft completed by the end of January and today, I've reached the halfway mark - YAY!

Of course, I've got some serious writing to do between now and the end of the month, but I'm in Montana at the moment helping my brother after eye surgery, so I'm away from the normal distractions: work (though I am tethered by that electronic leash), kids, dogs, husbands, cooking, going to the grocery store, (am I the only one that ends up at the grocery store every other day??) cleaning, laundry etc. etc. I'm hoping to make some serious headway in the next few days and still think I can have that first draft done by the 31st. So I guess I better stop chatting and get back to London, 1872. I think there's a ball I need to attend....

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