Thursday, May 29, 2008

Since we were talking about Crop Circles...

I, for one, love mysteries. Love them. Especially the kind that are real, touchable and defy logical explanation. Take crop circles, for instance....(Get used to this - you will see this topic again - I love the mystery of crop circles... :)

Have you really ever looked at crop circles? They are absolutely fascinating! Some of these formations are bigger than football fields and appear overnight. Turn off the lights at 10 pm, everything's normal, wake up with the roosters, go out to find a big, beautiful, amazing design blazed into your crop. Can you imagine?
Who does these things??

The stalks of wheat or rye (or whatever crop they have appeared in) are never broken, but simply bent over with all the stalks lying the same direction to create the design. It is truly amazing. When you look at these from the air you can see how intricate the designs are. Always perfectly to scale. There's no way you can ever convince me that somebody is sneaking out into a field in the middle of the night and playing a big trick. How could you possible create these perfect circles or arcs or angles on a scale of this size from the ground (which, in essence, becomes an ant's eye's view) in a few short hours IN THE DARK???

For those you who don't believe in magic - take a look at some of these crop circles! Most of these are found in the old fields of England.
Who do you think makes crop circles?

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