Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm Launched.....eek!

Well, after months of thinking about it, changing my mind, wondering what the heck I would blog about (and even more confusing....who would even read it?) I've decided to launch my own blog. Which is potentially a fabulous opportunity to talk to myself (in print) whenever I want. But maybe someone, somewhere, will read it and want to talk too, and then things might really get interesting! So, if you're out there and feeling chatty - dive right in!

We went to see Prince Caspian, the movie, of the Narnia series this weekend. Though I loved the book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe I have to say the talking animals thing in the movies always throws me. A bit much on the battle scenes too, but our friends loved the whole thing. What did you think?

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