Friday, May 27, 2011

Top 15 Comedy Movies: Part 1

 Comedy films aren't always the best but some of them are outrageously enjoyable and bring a smile to your face. When done right, comedies are great, not just because they are funny, but because of the stories and characters. A fine example is Charlie Chaplin. His comedies can get you at heart as much as they make you laugh. Their always good to cheer you up and watch with friends. It is hard to make an ordered list of how much you like films, but I have tried my best. Here is my countdown of my 15 favourite comedy films of all time.

15. Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
For a film that was filmed in just one day, it's impressive. Amazingly funny, and the first film that Jack Nicholson ever starred in, and you wouldn't even know unless you seen the credit. The characters are funny and the timing was great.

14. The Great Dictator (1941)
A freshman to the list for me as this one is pretty new to me. What list of best comedy films be complete without at least one Chaplin film? The Great Dictator is not only a laughable film, but has quite a lot of drama in their too. Using Slapstick humour and drama The Great Dictator is a fantastic film from Chaplin. My Rotten Tomatoes Review here.

13. The Naked Gun (1988)
One of the earliest 'spoof' films and one of the funniest. It doesn't do what poof movies like 'Epic Movie', 'Disaster movie' and even 'Scary Movie' do by going too far. It's a perfect blend of comedy. 

12. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)
"Mother" "No that's not mother" "Not Mother". A hilarious quote from this film from Steve Martin and Michael Caine. It is a match up that is surprisingly funny and there was a very nice chemistry between them. Very clever, inventive and very funny.

11. Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Even to this day this is definitely Jim Carrey's funniest film. It's just outrageously hilarious. Alongside Dustin Hoffman this film is a great comedy about a mix-up with a briefcase that our two characters venture to return to someone. Along the way they discover there is a somewhat fortune in it. What do they do? What do you think?

10. City Lights (1931)
I haven't put this far up the last, nor too low. This isn't the funniest Chaplin film there is, but is one of the warmest and greatest things he has created. It has plenty of laughable moments like 'the Great Dictator' but has drama in the plot. So I think it is fair to put this to number 10 on the list. Charming as it is warm. My Rotten Tomatoes review here.

9. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
No mistake that this is Mike Myers best performance, and make that a funny one. An excellent spoof of spy films and the 60s groovy style, Austin Powers is clever and funny.

8. Team America: World Police (2004)

That's right, a film with marionette puppets! An excellent experimentation from South Park creator Trey Parker. The film is full of violence, swearing and even nudity! It's a very funny film and will be remembered for it's comedy style.

7. Stir Crazy (1980)
Gene Wilder ad Richard Pryor make an excellent comedy duo. Stir Crazy is about two guys who want to escape their lives and end up accidentally going to prison. From their onwards it's an attempt of escape and the film is very genius and funny.  

6. Sons of the Desert 1933
One of the best Laurel and Hardy films, if not the best. Sons of the Desert is a very genius comedy with the classic duo, Laurel and Hardy. Fantastically well written and funny. Read my Review here.

Part 2 right here>>>

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