Friday, April 1, 2011

A-Z: A is for Application

For those of you unaware of the A-Z blogging challenge, its an awesome blogfest hosted by Arlee Bird's Tossing it Out. The challenge is to blog Monday through Saturday, with posts themed A through Z. I've been trying to blog every single day, including Sundays, and this will provide some organization and motivation as far as that goes. It's not too late to sign up, if you're interested. So, for the letter A.

A is for Application.

Apply yourself. Get your butt in the chair and work. Make goals and work for them every day. Writing is fun and wonderful, but work still needs to be done. Applying yourself will truly make the difference between failure and success.

Apply to contests, magazines, agents editors. Submit your work, even though its scary. Get your poetry and short stories to some literary magazines, and even after rejection, keep it circulating out there. Submit your manuscript to agents and editors. Nobody can read you if you're not out there, and you miss all of the shots you don't take.

Apply your tools correctly. Writers have more responsibility for marketing these days then the ever have, so learn how to successfully use tools like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, even more niche sites like GoodReads, AuthorDen, Authonomy, any of those other writer network sites you can use for your benefit and that of your readers. And you don't have to do this all by yourself, either. Don't be scared to ask for help. If you have a brother who can do beautiful blog design, ask him if he'll help. Network with people, don't be shy. Correct application of all these tools will help you reach the largest number of readers.

Hope this helps! Tomorrow we'll talk about B...
Sarah Allen

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