Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is for Zoinks

We did it! We're at the last day of the A-Z challenge. For new challenge followers, welcome and thank you, thank you. I hope to keep things just as busy and updated here, so keep checking back. For longer term followers, thanks to you too, and I hope you found the A-Z theme helpful and valuable.

There are two reasons I picked Zoinks. First, when someone says zoinks, you know exactly who they're referring too. Having clear, defined, unique and memorable characters like Shaggy will help our story live on in the minds of readers long after they turn the last page. The other reason is that its important to have things that make your readers go ZOINKS! Whether its a King-ian gutter monster clown thing, a shocking plot twist, or a really great kiss, (or maybe all three? hmmm...)give your readers scenes to remember.

I just finished watching Grumpy Old Men with Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau, so I'm in a pretty happy mood :) Talk about Zoinks moments. If you've seen that movie, there's definitely a zoinks moment in the middle. So cool. Anyway, hope you're all having a good weekend and hope the writing is coming along wonderfully!

Sarah Allen

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