Saturday, April 2, 2011

B is for Bowie

So, I know David Bowie isn't everybody's cup of tea, and to be honest, up until recently he wasn't mine either. It's not that I ever didn't like him, I just thought he was a bit too strange for me. But here's the important thing: I always found him interesting and intriguing. He has a unique, dramatic style that just took a while to grow on me. And those eyes...

My path to Bowie love I think has some lessons for us writers. I had some limited exposure to Bowie as a kid through the movie Labyrinth, a cult classic if their ever was one. Even as a kid, the movie and Bowie himself were interesting and oddly appealing, but just not my groove. I got older, watched the movie a few more times and even listened to a few of his other songs. Still, interesting, but not something I wanted to put lots of time and energy into. Then recently, I was babysitting my little sister and she picked Labyrinth for our movie. It was then it all kind of culminated, and I realized the awesomeness, newness, talent and deep albeit strange attractiveness that was David Bowie. He is still not my typical thing, still not an easy jive for me, and I still have some getting used to as far as his music goes. The thing thats different, though, is that I want to get used to it. Even though it has taken time, Bowie has successfully drawn me in to being an official fan, and being willing to put in time, effort, even money to being a fan. He did this through being new, unique, and himself so that I was interested and attracted from the beginning, even if it took time to make me a full on groupie. And now, when I had one songs worth left on an old iTunes gift card, what did I pick? David Bowie.

So enjoy something unique and untypical today and see what it brings out in you. Happy writing!

Sarah Allen

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