Saturday, October 23, 2010

Star Wars Uncut

2010 remake

Rating: n/r (but Dylan gave it a 16/20; he gave the original a 14/20, by the way)

Plot: See Star Wars: A New Hope.

Except this is fans from all over the world filming, contorting, or animating fifteen second segments of the sci-fi classic and submitting them to a website where they hopefully will get votes and make it into the final film. And it's completely bizarre and hilarious. This interactive approach to filmmaking is one of those things where you just have to say something like, "This is exactly why Al Gore invented the freakin' Internet!" This might be too jarring for a lot of people. You'll have a fifteen second clip with Star Wars characters colored on paper sacks butting up against people in cheap costumes swinging cheap light sabers at each other in a fenced-in backyard. A lot of these "directors" have a lot of talent. I especially enjoyed the clash of animation styles. Even more of these "directors" have a great sense of humor, taking the proverbial piss, throwing in some Kill Bill or Simpsons references, and really having good creative fun. Star Wars has been parodied and poked at so many times that something like this shouldn't work at all. But this thing works (maybe best in installments; Dylan and I watched it in chunks) on a few levels. It's surprising and hilariously awkward, it's frequently very clever, and it's often pretty dang cool looking. But it's also a weird homage to the movie, its influence and the adoration that people all over the world have for these characters and this timeless story.

You can watch it here:
Or watch a trailer (really, a 4 1/2 minute chunk of the movie [all a lot of you will be able to take] as the characters escape from the Death Star) here:
Or you can just wait and watch it in a theater since the above article says it's heading to theaters.

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