Sunday, December 7, 2008

The start of the sequel to TFR

I've got several books fighting to get out of my brain and I really want to write ALL of them simultaneously, but that's not the way it works for me. I have to pick one, immerse myself (before work, after work, occasionally during work... whenever I can squeeze in the time) and gut my way through it and then go on to the next one.

Since we have officially launched THE FAERIE RING into the editorial abyss, I've decided that I will focus on writing the sequel to TFR first. So, I've seen these cool little measuring devices on other blogs that show how many words you've written relative to the goal, so I'm going to snoop around and see if I can figure out how to put one of those things up. But regardless, this is the start! The working title is DARK SHADOWS and the story is set in London in 1872. I wrote TFR in 30 days (plus a few more weeks for polishing) so I'm going to shoot for a completed first draft by 31 Jan. The manuscript will probably run 80-90,000 words so I'm afraid to even figure out how many words a day that is. Probably better not to know right at this moment.

How about you? Any goals, writing or otherwise you'd like share?

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