Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Draft Completed!

Hello, from the horribly negligent Blogger universe....let's just blame it on summer vacation, okay?

Hope you're enjoying your summer. My agent quest is still in process. I have two fulls and a partial out on THE LEGACY right now so keep your fingers and toes crossed. This is a bit off subject but I like looking at pictures so here's a picture of my koi pond with all 16 of my koi. They all have names and are quite beautiful. Picasso, Fanny, Doggy Paws, Sushi and Pete (for Mustachio Pete) etc. They are such curious creatures. They totally recognize me, even through the kitchen window and they'll come zooming over when they see me because they think I might feed them. The whole pond, fish, waterfall thing is incredibly soothing.

But back to the writing world - which was the original purpose of this blog....Good news! - I just finished my first draft of The Thief's Apprentice today! Yay! I'm so excited about this manuscript. I still have to go through and tie up loose ends etc. but so far, so good and in record time! I'm trying to figure out how to post the beginning on my website, but I don't think there's room unless I take something down. Anywho...that's a problem for another day.

Stay tuned and I hope you're enjoying your summer!
(Don't you love this orange echinachea?)

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