Thursday, June 12, 2008

Writing and Stormy Weather

I don't know what it is about stormy weather but it always brings out an overwhelming urge in me to cuddle up to my computer and write, write, write. As you can see from the picture - it ain't summer here in good, ol' western Washington yet. In fact, it's been down right cold. And gray. And wet. BUT, it is perfect weather to write.

There's nothing I like better on a cold, gray day than to ensconce myself in my cozy office, overrun by plants, with a view out to the garden and the elements of nature. I guess it's just easier to plunge into these make-believe worlds I create and dream my life away. (And yes, that is a witch with a green hat on my desk). Here's the view from my office complete with busy blue-jays today:

Case in point - I started a new novel yesterday that I am SO excited about. The story just flowed out of my brain - which is a nice, unusual surprise. My working title is either The Thief's Apprentice or The Thief King's Apprentice. Which would you choose?

Anyway, the weather is supposed to get better but time will tell. In the meantime, back to work while the weather muse is raining down on me!

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