Thursday, June 30, 2011

Last Day to enter to win an ARC of THE FAERIE RING

Happy Thursday, my lovely Poppets! (I had to think twice about what day it is - I'm totally goofed up this week!)  I just wanted to remind you that today is the last day to enter to win an ARC of THE FAERIE RING here:  The Faerie Ring Contest.  Remember, you get extra entry points if you post my trailer or countdown widget on your site!  The winner will be announced next week! Thanks so much to everyone who has entered and spread the love!! <3

I'm going to think up a new contest for the month of July - so look for that next week too!

Then, I just wanted to share this quote from a very lovely reviewer who I was lucky enough to meet at ALA. She got an ARC of TFR and has already read and posted, but I'm not going to link to it because it has spoilers, but I did want to share this one part, which made me laugh out loud:

"Seriously, pay attention to the details. You can thank me later." 
Have a great day!
:-)  Kiki

****HEY!  I'm coming back in to say HAPPY LAUNCH DAY to my friend, Sarah Aronson, whose AWESOME book, BEYOND LUCKY,  releases today:
I was taking a class from Sarah when she was writing this book and I got to read the story in development and I can tell you - it's GREAT!  You should definitely go check it out!!


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