Friday, December 31, 2010

THE FAERIE RING recommended as a "Must Read in 2011" by The Story Siren!

Guess What?! Kristi at The Story Siren recommended THE FAERIE RING as a "Must Read in 2011!  YAY!!!

I was planning to post the traditional Happy New Year - Welcome 2011 (finally!) message today but  this fireworks picture is more appropriate for this message! I was reading Kristi's blog because it lists her favorite reads for 2010 and as you know, I always love looking at those lists.  Well - imagine my shocked surprise when she listed THE FAERIE RING for a 'Must Read' in 2011! Whee!!!!

Kristi was kind enough to read an advanced bound manuscript of THE FAERIE RING during the summer and provided a blurb for the book (THANK YOU KRISTI!) as follows:

 “THE FAERIE RING is an enchanting novel, woven with dramatic adventure, intriguing faerie lore and a charming love story! I couldn’t stop turning the pages even though I didn’t want the story to end!”

But I still wasn't expecting to be on anybody's 'best of' list!  *giggliing madly*

What a PERFECT way to start the New Year!!!

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