Monday, March 22, 2010

The Latest

One must hope that I never have to make a living as a Blogger because clearly I would starve to death.

However, once again I shall renew my goal of posting on a more regular basis.

The Latest on THE FAERIE RING:

I have been immersed in editorial revisions for several weeks now and completed my first pass through the entire manuscript. I've sent it off to Susan last Friday to read and we will be meeting in Portland to discuss over dinner this Friday. Yay! She has been SO completely awesome throughout this process and I can hardly wait to put a face to the voice and the scribbles on the page. I'm expecting we'll go through the entire ms one or two more times and then on to line-edits. So - a few more weeks at it and we should be there.

The Latest on my current WIP: PULSE:

I started re-writing PULSE, a YA sort-of paranormal contemporary in December then put it on hold to work on revisions of TFR. So this week, while Susan reads, I am planning to finish the first draft of Pulse and send it out to some readers while I continue on with TFR.

The Latest on the sequel to TFR: DARK SHADOWS:

I've written the first draft of the sequel, but enough has changed in book one that I will need to re-write book two. But the writing of the sequel did a lot to inform book one, so it's all good. I'm excited to dig in but I will wait until we are totally complete with The Faerie Ring because I've learned - things change!

The Latest on ENIGMA:

Enigma was my steampunk novel that I started last fall. I got about 1/3 of the way in and got hung up in my plot and decided to put it on hold until I got through with the above-listed projects.


My YA epic fantasy is done (I re-wrote it yet again last fall based on some reader feedback) and ready to go out on submission once we complete revisions on TFR. I am EXCITED to see if I can sell this book. I love the characters and the story.

And finally, sending out some good luck wishes to my friend, Nandini, who has an editor reading her wonderful story, LEELA'S STAR, with great interest. Fingers and toes crossed for you, Nandini!!

How about you? What's the latest?

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